Zhu Lilun, chairman of the Kuomintang in Taiwan, said that Lian Shengwen, Vice Chairman of the Kuomintang, will lead the group to participate in the June Straits Forum and the Cross -Strait Youth Forum.This remark indirectly denied rumors that he would visit mainland China after former President Ma Ying -jeou.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and Dongsen News reported that there were rumors that after Ma Ying -jeou, mainland China intends to invite the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun to visit. The press release of the Kuomintang on Tuesday (April 9) has not officially denied it.Zhu Lilun said on Wednesday (10th) to say that the Kuomintang's cross -strait route was clear, that is, pro -, American friends day and land.

Zhu Lilun pointed out that the Kuomintang promoted pragmatic exchanges based on the party constitution and party outline, creating a peaceful environment for a win -win situation.Some time ago, vice chairman Xia Liyan visited Lu Ye also adhered to the same principles, including visiting the United States now, visiting the political circles, think tanks, and parliamentary visits all adhered to the Kuomintang line.In the next Straits Forum or Youth Forum, the Kuomintang will invite Vice Chairman Lian Shengwen to bring a group to participate, hoping to uphold the principles to promote pragmatic exchanges on both sides of the strait.

Talking about the "Horse Study Club" who appeared at 4 pm on Wednesday, Zhu Lilun said that he hoped that the meeting would adhere to the basic argument of Singapore talks nine years ago, and continued to promote a better foundation for future cross -strait exchanges.

Zhu Lilun said that the DPP has recently continued to resist, China, and even maliciously let go of the Red Kuomintang. The purpose is to destroy cross -strait exchanges.If you have to lose or win a win -win situation, communication is still evil, confrontation or dialogue, all in the DPP thought.

Zhu Lilun said that opposing Taiwan independence and not supporting Taiwan independence is already the consensus of the international community, and the Kuomintang is determined to oppose Taiwan independence.If the DPP also wants to promote Taiwan independence and create the environment of Taiwan independence in various ways, it will only cause the people of Taiwan to harm it.