Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou, who is visiting mainland China, met Taiwanese tourists in Xi'an on Sunday (April 7) in Xi'an.Ma Ying -jeou stepped forward to shake hands with tourists and asked tourists where to come from Taiwan.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and Zhongshi News reported that Ma Ying -jeou went to the Great Wild Goose Pagoda in Xi'an in the morning. Someone shouted on the way, "President Ma, I am from Kaohsiung, Taiwan."Which district, the other party replied: "Qiaotou District".

Ma Ying -jeou went on to say, "I am from Wenshan District, Taipei City" and go forward to shake hands with tourists.This group of people in Taiwan immediately shouted: "Good president!"

In addition to Xi'an Big Wild Goose Pagoda, Ma Ying -jeou also visited the Shaanxi History Museum in the morning.

The visiting group led by Ma Ying -jeou is expected to arrive in Beijing on Sunday afternoon.The Taiwan Free Times reported earlier reporters that Ma Ying -jeou was estimated that Ma Ying -jeou met Xi Jinping, the President of Mainland China in the Great Hall of the People the next day (8th), but this arrangement may be changed to 10 days.