Xiao Meiqin, the vice president of Taiwan, was rumored to be followed by the Embassy in mainland China during the visit to the Czech Republic.

Comprehensive Liberty Times and Sanli News reported that DPP legislator Wang Dingyu criticized on Saturday (April 6) and criticized: "The big country has made idiots and sao acts, shame!"P> Wang Dingyu said that this diplomatic incident made mainland China that did not get anything except for shame. It was "stealing chickens and not eroding rice."It is even a testimony of the progress of Taiwan -Europe relations.

The DPP legislator Xu Zhijie said that if the report is true, the mainland embassy staff is really arrogant and followed Xiao Meiqin at the tail of the Czech Republic.Bad mainland officials.

Another DPP legislator Wu Siyao said that the incident is not small, and it is by no means a single incident. I hope that the democratic state will condemn and counter -counter.

Jakub Janda, director of the "European Value Safety Policy Center" of the Czech Think Tank, Friday (April 5th) quoted the Czech media in social media X. When Xiao Meiqin visited the Czech Prague in mid -March this year,Followed by the Embassy in Mainland China.

Yang Yayu wrote that the Czech Ministry of Foreign Affairs has summoned the Chinese ambassador to this, saying that "the incident has not ended" and considers the Chinese person involved in the case as a Persona Non Grata.It is usually deported as an uncomfortable person in diplomacy.