The Taiwan Worker OEM Factory Taishi Power was announced after the earthquake outside the Hualien. The recovery rate of the fab has exceeded 70%.damage.

Comprehensive Taiwan Liberty Times and United Daily reports, TSMThe recovery rate of the wafer plant (such as the Eighteen Factory) has more than 80 %.

TSMC emphasized that there are already resources in place to accelerate the comprehensive recovery, and it has continued to resume work on Thursday (4th), and maintains close communication with customers.The company will continue to surveillance and deal with customers in a timely manner.

TSMC also said that a few equipment in some factory areas is damaged and affects the production line production. The main machines include all extremely ultraviolet light carved equipment without damage, and said that the company in the earthquake response and disaster prevention preventionHas rich experience and ability, and regularly carry out safety exercises to ensure all preparations.

A strong earthquake in the Rician scale occurred at 7.2 on Wednesday at 7.58 am on Wednesday, the eastern part of the Hualien, Taiwan. The power is equivalent to 32 atomic bombs.The strong earthquake also attracted outside the production of chip production.