On the occasion of the transfer of the new regime, the Taiwan Defense Minister Qiu Guozheng made a resignation for his son's prostitutes and sex video scandals, but recently the private images from the national security director to the legislators responsible for national defense diplomacy frequently leaked.The mysterious Tibetan mirror people obtained and publicly humiliated, and once again triggered the doubts of Guoan and the doubts of power struggle.

Lai Qingde, the president of Taiwan, will swore to work on May 20th. It is expected that in early April, it will announce the layout of new personnel such as Guoan and Executive Dean.Whether the new team can stabilize the situation in the Taiwan Strait and respond to the challenges of internal affairs, it has attracted much attention.

As the leader of Guoan's front line, whether Qiu Guozheng stayed at the attention.At this sensitive time, Taiwan media broke out on Thursday (March 28) that Qiu Guo's son Qiu Huangnian was suspected of calling prostitutes in the National Security Bureau as an intelligence officer, and then his self -timer eight personality videos circulated on the Internet.Qiu Guo resigned that night and was comforted by Cai Yingwen. On Monday (April 1), he publicly apologized to the National Security Bureau and the Society.

Taiwan One Media said on March 28 that Qiu Guozheng's son Qiu Huangnian was suspected to call prostitutes. It was reported that Qiu Huangnian's selfie holding a health insurance card was published.Some comments speculate that this action seems to be coerced after Qiu Huangnian was set up after the yellow was involved in the yellow.(Internet)

Qiu Huangnian, an intelligence officer, took a photo with his family in sex videos. The outside world questioned that Taiwan Guoan was penetrated and exposed information.

Qiu Guo, who was born in the second level of the Army, was the core of the Cai government. During the eight -year president of Tsai Ing -wen, Qiu Guozheng served as the general staff chief, director of the National Security Director and Minister of Defense.

However, in early March, he evaluated the Taiwan Strait situation "on the verge of war" and issues such as the defense strategy of asymmetric combat.Guozheng will definitely not stay in office, but there is still a suspense whether it is transferred to other national security positions.These actions are regarded as a personnel struggle within the military, creating an atmosphere that is beneficial to themselves by letting go.

According to Taiwan media reports, Lai Qingde may face pressure on the mainland's military limit before taking office. If Qiu Guozheng resigned during the "Guardous Government" stage, Taiwan's defense will face great risks.Therefore, after Qiu Guozheng was reserved by Tsai Ing -wen, the Presidential Palace also announced that he accompanied Lai Qingde to the same frame of the Chinese Academy of Sciences who developed the National Sciences of the Chinese Academy of Defense Technology, which is generally regarded as a movement of stabilizing the military heart.

In addition to Qiu Guozheng's father and son, a number of private images of Guoan's main corners have also frequently leaked recently. Regardless of selfies, self -records or sneak shots, the common ground is obtained by the mysterious person and destroyed personality.Public opinion generally criticized Guoan's breakthroughs. Many media and politicians speculated that it did not rule out that mainland China manipulated behind the scenes and tried to affect Taiwan's political situation.

Among them, the then National Security Director Chen Mingtong's face recognition photo of the immigrant visits to Thailand in July 2022; in January this year, it was accused of being a sex video of the DPP legislator Luo Zhizheng, stealing and Tsai Ing -wen and the former.Executive Dean Su Zhenchang's audio biography.Luo Zhizheng was accused of intentionally fighting as a foreign minister or campaign of the mayor of New Taipei, and he denied the relevant scandal.In October last year, the intimate photos of the DPP legislator Zhao Tianlin, the DPP legislator of the Call of the Legislative Council's Call of the Legislative Council, and the extramarital affairs of the mainland girlfriend's marriage.Chen Mingtong, Luo Zhizheng and Zhao Tianlin faded out of politics after the incident.

Zhang Deng, a professor at the Political Department of Taiwan University, said in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post that former Guoan Director Chen Mingtong's whereabouts were indeed a serious national security broke, and they were also "masterpieces of opponent intelligence agencies".The leakage of the private image of the committee can only be regarded as a hidden danger of security, indicating that Taiwan's information is insufficient, or the security of information and data is relatively not rigorous and easy to penetrate.

He believes that this series of incidents have cracked down on the credibility of the national security department and the government, and even because almost all the cadres that Tsai Ing -wen relied on, may show some internal party forces that are dissatisfied with the Cai Yingwen policy.The influence of the period.

Zhang Deng said that the timing of related scandals was trembled by the mysterious Tibetan mirror, or before the election, before the new personnel layout, or the key node of the other party's efforts to move to the next level.Many images seem to be stored in the parties' mobile phones or clouds, but they were stolen.Regardless of the internal or overseas forces from Taiwan, it seems that it is used by political opponents. It shakes out at a critical time and attempts to die in one knife and affects the personnel layout.

He said that the information of the free and democratic system in Taiwan is open. Compared with a closed society, the scandal of Taiwan is very lethal. As a result, the internal power of the political parties has the opportunity to use the gap to carry out power struggles, and even leads to social division conflicts and security.Defense is damaged.

Zhang Deng said that mainland China will definitely master these adverse factors, safe breaks and hidden dangers to weaken Taiwan's toughness, observe how it leads to the conflict between the ruling party and the court and the field of research.However, he judged that these are "the fire of the stars that have not been detonated". The mainland may choose the opportunity to use it in the future, but it will not cause the Guoan crisis.

Zhang Hongyuan, an associate professor of the Department of International Trade, Taiwan Zhili University of Science and Technology, who was former deputy director of the Ministry of Mainland Affairs of the Kuomintang, pointed out to this newspaper that Qiu Guozheng, as the Minister of Defense, who leads the founding of the army, has a good performance and wind review.The transition from the new and old regimes, the new bureau of the two sides of the strait, and the main point of stabilizing military conditions.

For analysis and speculation, Beijing wants to use the scandal to replace Qiu Guozheng, Zhang Hongyuan's evaluation is not high. He believes that because of Qiu Guozheng's cautious style, for Beijing, it should be a relatively understanding and predictable opponent in military security.Essence

Zhang Hongyuan said that the private information of Guoan personnel has been repeatedly leaked, indicating that Taiwan's insufficient information security ability to maintain high -level officials has become a tool for power struggle, affecting the personnel layout of the cross -strait situation, and reducing the national security of other countries to Taiwan's national security.The sense of trust with the military and political system must step up the negative perception of the "screw loose" of the national security system.