The official on Tuesday (April 2) in Taipei City, Taiwan, reported that the knives, cutting boards and biological traces collected by the staff of the vegetarian restaurant food poisoning case were verifiedEssenceMayor Jiang Wanan emphasized that the responsibility of the Baolin tea room involved could not run away.

Comprehensive Taiwan United Daily News and Free Times reported that Jiang Wanan announced at a press conference in the morning that after receiving a notice from the New Taipei City on March 24, the official will be inspected on the afternoon of the official day and collected related proof.Including two tools, a cutting board, and the chef's hand, it was tested by the forensic medicine institute of Taiwan University and found that it was positive for rice yeast acid.

Jiang Wanan emphasized that "Baolin's responsibility cannot run away", and said that the official notification of the prosecutor's inspection results on the above, he also called the police chief Zhang Rongxing to let the police station master the message.

The number of victims of the poisoning incident has reached at least 29, two of which have died.The other two cases were not included after the test results of rice yeast acid tests were negative.