Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou, Monday (April 1), led a group to visit mainland China on the second time. On the same day, the US Association (AIT) chairman Rosenberg had a talks with Taiwan Cai Yingwen and the president Lai Qingde.Public opinion believes that before the new president's inaugural speech was delivered on May 20, China and the United States were in charge of the Taiwan Strait crisis to avoid getting out of control of the tension.

Ma Ying-jeou visited Land for the first time before and after the Qingming Festival last year.This year, three days ago in the Qingming Festival (April 4), he took the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation's 20 young students with the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation to visit the mainland for 11 days to visit and exchange.

This trip is invited by the mainland. Next Monday (April 8th) is said to be may hold the "Xi Ma Erhui" in Beijing and Chinese officials.The two of them held the first Xi Jun in Singapore on November 7, 2015 to achieve their first meeting since the cross -strait division in 1949.

On the evening of the visit to Lu, Song Tao, director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council of China, met with Ma Ying -jeou in Shenzhen Wuzhou Hotel.Compared with the fourth day of last year, Song Tao appeared, and this year attaches great importance to increased significantly.

Song Tao emphasized that compatriots on both sides of the strait are family members, and family and everything are happy. The family should always come and go.In response, Ma Ying -jeou said that last year, he visited Lu to let him feel that the "blood is thicker than water and connects the same branches" on both sides of the strait. Mutual visits and exchanges on both sides of the strait have effectively reduced tension and opposition, indicating that the two sides of the strait "may also achieve peace through communication."

Ma Ying -jeou also described this peace journey and friendship journey before the Taoyuan International Airport.When he arrived in Shenzhen in the afternoon, he was greeted by Pan Xian, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council, and then visited DJI and Internet giants Tencent, a leading drone company.

On the other hand, Rosenberg visited Taiwan for the fifth time since he took office last March.When Cai Yingwen met her on Monday noon, she said that Taiwan would cooperate with the United States and various democratic countries to ensure that regional peace and stability, and promote global prosperity.Rosenberg said that Taiwan -US relations have been significantly improved after the Taiwan election in January this year, and mentioned that this year is the 45th anniversary of the Taiwan Relations Law Legislative Legal Legal Legal Legislation. The law emphasizes that the United States must ensure that Taiwan has self -defense capabilities.

When meeting with Lai Qingde in the afternoon, Rosenberg emphasized that the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait is related to the common interests of Taiwan and the United States.

Comprehensive comments, Rosenberg's visit to Taiwan, and is worried about stepping on the red line of Beijing. At the same time, he hopes to understand the candidates of the National Security Team of the New Government of Taiwan, and arrange to meet with the leaders of the court and establish a cross -political party.For the former President of Taiwan's visit to Lu and the U.S. special envoys to meet with the current and vice presidents, public opinion is generally interpreted as that China and the United States are sharing the Taiwan Strait crisis before the "520".

Huang Jiezheng, an associate professor at the Institute of International Affairs and Strategy of Taiwan Tamkang University, pointed out in an interview with the United Zard that Ma Ying -jeou's visit to Lu could not change China's official Taiwan policy direction, Turn the inherent problem that the DPP cannot communicate with the Communist Party , but it can have the effect of soothing and cooling the current relative tight atmosphere on both sides of the strait.Essence

He said that Ma Ying -jeou emphasized the two main axes of the two sides of the Taiwan Strait and promote youth exchanges. He hopes to promote the people to reduce hostility and increase goodwill.This preparation for the Huangdi Mausoleum also conveys the signals of the two sides of the strait as the Chinese nation. Do not cut off cross -strait relations.

Huang Jiezheng is also the director of the Kuomintang International Affairs Department. He served as the deputy chairman of the MAC when the DPP ruling.He believes that Beijing has a higher degree of dislocation of Lai Qingde than Tsai Ing -wen. Before the end of the election at the end of the year, the United States attaches great importance to the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait.When dealing with cross -strait tensions, internal affairs and diplomatic dilemmas, "mainly maintain stability as much as possible."