The President of the US Association (AIT) Rosen Berg's visit to Taiwan for the fifth time (March 31) will meet on Monday (April 1) with Taiwan Cai Yingwen and Vice President Lai Qingde.

The Taiwan Foreign Affairs Ministry issued a press release on Sunday that the senior consultant of the Asia -Pacific Bureau of Rosen Bergies, Michael Pignatello, visited Taiwan from March 31st to April 6th.Officials and leaders from all walks of life exchanged in -depth opinions on various important issues in Taiwan and the United States.

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan said that this was the fifth time Rosen Berg came to Taiwan after taking over the chairman of AIT on March 20 last year to show his high enthusiasm for Taiwan -US relations with specific actions.

The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs has a sincere welcome to Rosen Berg and others, and said that it will continue to work closely with Rosen Berg and all American friends on the basis of Taiwan and the United States, continue to deepen and expand Taiwan and the United States.Long -term close partnership.

The daily event itinerary of the Taiwan government website shows that Tsai Ing -wen and Lai Qingde will meet Rosen Berg in the Presidential Palace on the afternoon of April 1.

In addition, AIT also issued a press release on Sunday saying that Rosenberg visited Taiwan to show the United States' firm commitment to Taiwan and promote the continuously growing partnership.This trip will meet with senior leaders, politicians, and scholars in Taiwan's cross -party factions to discuss the continuous cooperation of the United States and Taiwan on the issues related to the interests of both parties, including regional security, mutually beneficial trade and investment, and education and cultural links between the people.