台湾前总统马英九星期一(4月1日) Arrive in Shenzhen, start a trip to Lu, and Pan Xian, deputy director of the Taiwan Affairs Office of Mainland China, arrived at the scene.

According to the Taiwan United Daily report, after the Southern Airlines flight taken by Ma Ying -jeou to the Southern Airlines flight at 2:06 pm, Yang Yi, director of the Liaison Bureau of the Mainland China Office of the Mainland China Office, greeted him.Ma Ying -jeou stepped down the rail at about 2:39 pm, and Pan Xian took the plane.

It was reported that Ma Ying -jeou and Pan Xian had a greetings for a while, and then Ma Ying -jeou shaken hands with several pick -up officials in order.Ma Ying -jeou also brought a brief wave to the media, took the bus to the next stop.There is no red carpet at the pick -up site.

Joint Daily pointed out that Pan Xianzheng is responsible for picking up the aircraft and maintaining the same specifications as last year, that is, the deputy director of the National Taiwan Affairs Office of the National Taiwan Affairs Office of the State Council is responsible.

After Ma Ying -jeou arrived in Shenzhen, the first stop went to the DJI company in Nanshan District, Shenzhen, and then visited Tencent Binhai Building. After that, it is reported that it will be reported by the director of the Wuzhou Hotel and the National Taiwan Office.Song Tao met, and after dinner, he will go to the Talent Park to watch drone performances and Ping An Financial Center.Sources said that due to poor weather, the itinerary of Talent Park may be canceled.

Ma Ying -jeou said in front of Taoyuan International Airport in the morning that he said that he took the Ma Ying -jeou Foundation's "Big Jiu School" youth students. After last year, he visited the mainland again.In the same way, convey the people's hobbies and peace, and hope to avoid the voice of war.