Wang Hongwei, a legislator of the largest party and Kuomintang in Taiwan, broke the news that a suspension manufacturer continued to contract the Ministry of Defense Project.Zhao Yaping, director of the Procurement Room of the Taiwan National Defense Department, confirmed that there was such a matter when he was inquiring about the inquiry.

Comprehensive Taiwan media reports such as comprehensive TVBS News Network and Dongsen News, Wang Hongwei said at a press conference on Monday (April 1) that Fengyi International Joint Co., Ltd. in September 2022 suspectedMainland's missile raw materials were transferred to the law office and cancellation by the National Zhongshan Institute of Science in Taiwan, and were listed as a bad manufacturer for three years last November.However, Feng Yi continued to contract the Ministry of Defense's project after suspension.

Wang Hongwei said that Jiu Ding United Co., Ltd., who is in the same address operation as Feng Yi, and Yongguan Yingmi Co., Ltd., who has the same person in charge as Fengyi, can still contract the Ministry of Defense Project and question these manufacturers.It is a cunning rabbit three cave and a shelling.

The Kuomintang legislators Xu Qiaoxin quoted Wang Hongwei's press release information in the Foreign Defense of the Legislative Yuan on the day of the Legislative Yuan.All 10 projects are contracted, and there are seven projects in Fengyi after suspension of rights.

As for why the manufacturers of Guoan's doubts continue to contract the Ministry of Defense Project, Zhao Yaping said that Fengyi was suspended by the Chinese Academy of Sciences and was not controlled by government procurement law.For the Ministry of National Defense, related measures will be followed up later.