Taiwan media reported that the president Lai Qingde announced many times that it will continue the current cross -strait diplomatic route of Tsai Ing -wen.Gu Lixiong, Secretary -General of the Association, may stay in office.

According to the Taiwan United Daily News Sunday (March 10), the DPP insiders have analyzed that in the past eight years, Cai Yingwen's cross -strait diplomatic relations are stable and not impatient, especially the results of the Taiwan -US relations are obvious to all of them.EssenceLai Qingde has repeatedly stated before the presidential election that it will continue the "Cai Yingwen route". Therefore, the possibility of a large exchange of blood for the national security team is very low. In the early days of the government's administration, the government may follow the national security personnel of the Cai government.

The insiders believe that Gu Lixiong, the Secretary -General of the Guoan Council, Chen Wenzheng and Xu Sijian, the deputy secretary -general, and the core officials of the Guo Yingwen Guoan team of Guoan Cai Mingyan.

In addition, because the overturning of the Jinxia waters has become the chairman of the maritime committee of the wild party, Guan Biling has attracted much attention.

The Sea Patrol Agency held a Yunlin ship delivery ceremony in Kaohsiung on Saturday (9th).It is reported that this itinerary has been arranged, but Tsai Ing -wen was particularly thanked by Guan Biling in his speech. This move was interpreted as a high -level "management chairman".

More than 10 rounds of consultations have not failed to turn around. The representatives of the land side accused Taiwan for unloading before returning to Mainland China, but the Taiwanese government's mainland committee spokesman Zhan Zhihong denied the negotiations on Friday (8th) and stated that the results of the judicial investigation results were waiting for the results of the judicial investigation results.It is expected to start the next round of negotiations.