The "Sudan Red" pepper powder food security problem was extended in Taiwan, the Taiwan Supervisory Court intervened, and many supervisors applied for automatic investigation, including whether the competent authority controlled the failure of failure.

According to the Taiwan ETTODAY News Cloud report, the supervisory members Tian Qiuli, Lin Guoming, and Cai Chongyi pointed out on the press release on Saturday (March 9) that the Yunlin County Government received a report from the public. The county Jisheng Co., Ltd.The red pepper powder and black pepper particles produced by Douliu Factory contain the industrial dye "Sudan Red". Relevant agencies have found that it is a red pepper raw material imported from mainland China from mainland China.Carcinogenic Sudan pigment.

The press release said that these red pepper raw materials have been sold to many downstream manufacturers including Jisheng Co., Ltd., adding seasoning, spicy soup powder, spicy biscuits, pork jerky, curry powderAmong various foods such as peppercorns, the sales of various stores in Taiwan have caused doubts about food safety.

The Supervision Commission pointed out that there have been many food safety incidents containing Sudan red -red pepper raw materials in Taiwan. Does the competent authority fail the food industry supervision and control mechanism?In addition, the current Food Safety and Health Management Law only stipulates that listing and the food industry in the cabinet must set up the laboratory to engage in independent inspections. Do you study or request the remaining unsuccessful cabinet industry, and also establish a related food inspection mechanism and inspection information login tracking system?

The Supervision Commission also questioned how food manufactured by the food industry manufacturers with a smaller capital of the market, how to implement the test to strengthen the quality control and whether the food safety information network should be reviewed and training.The institution's inspection mechanism for this food safety incident and follow -up in response to prevention measures, the Supervisory Court has concerned and valued this, and has launched an investigation to clarify it.

The Taiwan Yunlin County Government received a report from the public in early January, saying that Jisheng Company, which specializes in seasoning, is suspected to be mixed with Sudan Red in the process.The county government found that from snacks to many well -known restaurants have been affected.Pauxin Company and Kaohsiung, located in New Taipei City and Kaohsiung, have been seized imported pepper powder containing Sudan red.

The legislators of the court have been bombarded by the government's proclaimed food security in the past few days. From the source control of the border to the downstream market audit, they have failed.

The president Chen Jianren Chen Jianren admitted in the Legislative Yuan on Friday (8th) that this is a systematic incident. The government has launched a batch inspection to trace the source from top to bottom.