台湾前总统马英九说,金门翻船案已失去两条宝贵人命,却拖了20It has not been resolved for many days. It can be seen that the DPP government still does not know how to deal with mainland China, so that Taiwan is in the risk of national security.

Ma Ying -jeou on Friday (March 8th) at the new book presentation of Lai Xingyuan, a former director of the mainland committee, for the Golden Gate turnover case that occurred on February 14 and had no results in the 15 rounds of negotiation, he emphasized that "take out sincerity, sincerity, sincerity, sincerity, sincerity, sincerity.The release of goodwill and resolving disputes ", in the face of problems, discuss the matter, face their family members to compare their hearts, apologize when there is negligence, and compensate for compensation.

Ma Ying -jeou said that in the eight years of his administration, many disputes were effectively resolved through institutional exchanges through institutional exchanges.He also asked the heads of all ministries to establish direct contact channels with the head of the ministries corresponding to the mainland, and to dial the electricity quickly.

Lai Xingyuan, who has no party membership, served as the chairman of the MAC of the Malaysian government when Ma Ying -jeou served as the president in 2008.She was casting the sword as a plow: Lai Xingyuan's secrets of the two sides of negotiations, Xin Xinxin, described himself, and insisted on the policy program of "focusing on Taiwan as the main benefit to the people" in the four years and five months.Professional negotiation channels.

Lai Xingyuan criticized in an interview with Lianhe Morning Post. In the eight years since the current government of Tsai Ing -wen, Taiwan ’s official interaction has been comprehensively interrupted.EssenceShe believes that the key is that the Tsai government focuses on the management of Taiwan -US relations. She can consolidate the iron plate of votes through the anti -China -China -Paper Taiwan, but it cannot truly protect the interests of Taiwanese people.

She advised Lai Qingde, the president of the office in May, to think about how to use chips between the two major countries of China and the United States, to use their strength to make a consensus on both sides of the strait, and to meet the interests of Taiwan.She said that she has not seen Lai Qingde's cross -strait peer negotiation path map. At the same time, she calls on the mainland to face the people's hearts of the grassroots at the grassroots level of Taiwan.

At the new book presentation of Lai Xingyuan (first from left), the former chairman of the MAC, Zhao Jianmin, former deputy chairman of the MAC, director of the National Development and Mainland Research Institute of Culture University (holding a microphone) Police, the situation in the Taiwan Strait heated up, the DPP government held sovereignty and refused unification, but it made Taiwan closer to unification and one country and two systems than in any time, and it was a non -peaceful way.(Wen Weizhong)