The National Security Bureau of Taiwan evaluates that in addition to strengthening the consolidation of the "International China" pattern, mainland China will continue to pressure Taiwan with a hard and soft strategy, and change the status quo of the Taiwan Strait with a composite threat.

Comprehensive Taiwan Economic Daily and the Central News Agency reported that the Taiwan Legislative Council's Foreign Affairs and National Defense Commission will invite officials such as the National Security Director Cai Mingyan and other officials to the two conferences of Mainland China (National People's Congress and the CPPCC Annual Meeting) next Monday (March 11).It was a special report on the influence of the Taiwan Strait's situation with the US presidential election.

The written reports submitted by the National Security Bureau of Taiwan, this year's two -year -old policy of the mainland and Taiwan work conferences, emphasizes the "one, anti -independence, promoting" tone, and highlight the consolidation of "International One in International One"The importance of China "and" anti -foreign interference "is particularly concerned about the progress of US relations in the front desk of the US election and increase the prevention of external risks related to Taiwan.

The National Security Agency stated that the U.S. Indo -Pacific strategy focuses on "integrating scare and aging", adopting the strategy of communicating and obscuring in mainland China to actively deepen cooperation with India -Pacific allies in terms of security, economy and other aspects, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening, especially strengthening.The United States, Japan, South Korea, the United States, Japan, the Philippines, the United States, Japan, and the United States, the United States, Japan, Australia, etc., in order to enhance the security and economic toughness of regional countries, and promote the connection between NATO and India to avoid challenging the status quo of the region.

The National Security Bureau believes that in view of the Democratic Party and Republican Party of the United States regarding Mainland China as the main strategic competitors, they also support the deepening of Taiwan -US cooperative relations and respond to the challenges of Mainland China to the Indo -Pacific region. Therefore, no matter who is elected, who is electedPresident of the United States, the policy of "Friendship System" should not change significantly.

But the National Security Bureau also warned that at the end of the Taiwan election and the US presidential election, in addition to strengthening and consolidating the "International China" pattern, mainland China will continue to carry out the strategy of hard and soft two -handed strategy to Taiwan.Pressing operation.

The National Security Bureau evaluates that in addition to military deterrence, diplomatic targets, and economic coercion, mainland China may gradually increase legal actions and speculate on cross -strait jurisdiction disputes; on the mainland, the mainland may continue the extensive exchanges against Taiwan last year and invite Taiwan to invite Taiwan.All -class groups went to land to operate united front differentiation, shaping the cross -strait situation that is beneficial to it.

During the two conferences of China this year, government work reports or CPPCC reports have less discussions in Taiwan.Some scholars have analyzed that this is because the work conference on Taiwan in February has made a decision, but the government work report emphasizes unswervingly unswervingly promoting the great cause of reunification. It still has the meaning of strengthening the promotion.