The Taiwan Ship held on Saturday (March 9) to host the "Sea Patrol officer Chiayi Candid Ship Third Yunlin Ship Delivery and the Fourth 4000 -ton Catter Ship Naming Water Co -Water", Taiwan Tsai Ing -wenwenIn his speech, it was said that Taiwan conveyed Taiwan's determination to adhere to democracy and freedom through the "national ship country".

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily, Sanli News, and Central News Agency reported that Tsai Ing -wen and Taiwan Vice President Lai Qingde, Gu Lixiong, Secretary -General of the National Security Council, Chen Qimai, Mayor of Kaohsiung, and Guan Biling, chairman of the Maritime Council attended the ceremony.At the ceremony, Tsai Ing -wen and Lai Qingde boarded the Yunlin ship and waved to the guests on the watchmark on the ship.

Zheng Wenlong, chairman of the Taiwan Shipping Corporation, said in his speech that the Taiwan ship was mainly based on the manufacturer of business ships, but under the economic crisis in the past few years, the international bidding was fierce and seriously compressed the Taiwan ship's industry space. FortunatelyThe government has launched the two policies of "national ship country" and "offshore wind power", which has made the energy of Taiwan ships play again. In recent years, the skills have leapt significantly.

Tsai Ing -wen said that in order to promote the "national shipbuilding", the government launched more than 42.6 billion yuan (New Taiwan dollar, the same below, about 1.8 billion yuan) funds.The industry brings glory, in addition to creating job opportunities, it will continue to increase Taiwan's sea patrol capability.From ship design, materials, equipment, military industry, inspection, and maintenance manufacturers, etc., it is estimated that it can reach more than 100 billion yuan of output value, creating more than 8,000 job opportunities.

Tsai Ing -wen also named the "Taipei Ship" for the fourth 4,000 -ton cruiser on the same day, and the water throwing ceremony was performed.Tsai Ing -wen said that this was named because of the newly retired old Taipei ship, which was also the first ship of the "National Ship State" of the General Administration of Oceania. It hopes that the "Taipei Ship" will continue to guard the central waters and symbolize the inheritance of the sea patrol spirit.

Tsai Ing -wen said that the ship at the ceremony was the third and fourth 4,000 -ton -class patrol ships of the Sea Patrol and Fleets.The sea tour is stronger, and the ceremony also represents the footsteps of the "national ship created" continued to move forward.

Tsai Ing -wen said that the ocean connects the world. Through the "national ship country", Taiwan conveys Taiwan's determination to adhere to democracy and freedom.She also emphasized that the government will continue to carry the people's expectations, consolidate all their strengths, take the wind and waves to the world, and build a safer and prosperous Taiwan.