The pepper powder and curry powder sold by many manufacturers in Taiwan contain the "Sudan Red" that may cause cancer, which has caused concern.Administrative Dean Chen Jianren admitted in the Legislative Yuan on Friday (March 8) that this is a systematic incident. The government has launched a batch inspection to trace from top to bottom. Thanks to the local government for cooperating with the Ministry of Health and Welfare for inspection.

Minister of Health and Welfare Xue Ruiyuan said that they will ask manufacturers to inspect independently, review the border test, and complete the inspection at the end of March.22 counties and cities in Taiwan have been announced one after another that students' nutritional lunch is suspended to use pepper powder and curry powder to cook food.

The Yunlin County Government received a report from the public in early January, saying that Jisheng Company, which specializes in seasoning, was suspected of being announced by the Sudan red announced by the Ministry of Environment as a toxic chemical.The county government launched a investigation. It was unexpectedly affected from shrimp flavor, vegetables and other snacks, to well -known restaurants Haidilao, Bayang Ji, and Weili Foods.

Guoxin Company and Kaohsiung, located in New Taipei City, and Kaohsiung, and Kaohsiung, are seized imported pepper powder that is imported from Sudan red.In the past few days, the legislators of the Chao -Field have been bombarded with the Fifth Ring Road of Food Safety, from the source control of the border to the downstream market audit. The so -called food cloud is registered by the manufacturer's own registration.People's food security.

The DPP legislator Lin Shufen, Lin Shufen, was angry and approved by the Ministry of Health and Welfare Food and Drug Management Wu Xiumei. When questioning Chen Jianren, he complained that Wu Xiumei also argued that Sudan Hong may not cause cancer. Chen Jianren hurriedly responded to "This is not right. "

Lin Shufen pointed out that the two companies of Tianjin and Jiaguang imported from mainland China containing Sudan red pepper powder. After detailed investigation, they found that these two companies were the same person in charge;The same is the same as Jinzhu and Jiaguang, including a vegetarian company called Chu Yiwu, which still sells "fragrant spicy powder" on the e -commerce platform.

Lin Shufen said that the Food and Drug Administration said since December last year, the Customs border has been checked by 100%.But in January of this year, this group of people still imported 40,000 kilograms of Sudan red products. Is the Food and Drug Administration shelter water?

She also revealed that Jinzhu and Jiaguang imported pepper powder from the Longhai Guoji Company of the mainland. Longhai Guoji was the company established in 1997.The manufacturer/ exporter of the document wrote "Kavin Shipping LTD" to deceive the Food and Drug Administration.The industry was bold and he was imported around after being returned. The government had no penalties to the industry at all, and only pushed the prosecution unit.

Chen Jianren believes that such a approach should be punished.Chen Qimai, Mayor of Kaohsiung, pointed out that it has mastered the status of many family members, related enterprises and the storage storage status of the company, and is absolutely strictly enforced.