Lai Qingde, the chairman of the Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party, won less than 48 hours after winning the presidential election. Taiwan ’s Aiyuru on Monday (January 15) has announced a break of diplomatic relations with Taiwan without warning and resumed diplomatic relations with mainland China.

The state war between the Taiwan Strait and the State Strait has always been one of the methods to compress Taiwan's international space, and it is also a way to release warnings in Beijing.The interviewed Taiwanese scholars believe that Beijing's rapid attack this time is to counter Lai Qingde, who has identified Beijing independence stubborn elements, and at the same time released political signals to resolutely anti -Taiwan independence against the United States.This also shows that Beijing does not have any expectations or observation periods for Lai Qingde.

In contrast, when Cai Yingwen won in the presidential election in January 2016, the number of Taiwan diplomatic relations was still stable at first. It was not until December of the same year that Cai Yingwen and the then US elected president Trump's ordinary phone, and lost the state of diplomatic relations.Linkbi.Since then, Tsai Ing -wen has shifted to establish diplomatic relations with mainland China during his tenure, and there are only 12 AIAs left in Taiwan today.

The Nauro government issued a press release on Facebook on Monday, announcing that Nauru turned to a China principle, saying that the move complied with the greatest interests of the people of Nauru.

Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning expressed appreciation and welcome to the Nauru government's decision at a regular press conference.She said that the Nauro government decided to resume diplomatic relations with China, and once again fully explained that a Chinese principle was the people's heart and the general trend.

Taiwan expresses strong dissatisfaction and strong condemnation.At the press conference on Monday, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Taiwan ’s Foreign Ministry said that after Lai Qingde won the election, the Second Director of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Secretary -General of the Presidential Palace sent a congratulatory message for the first time. Now it seems that this may be a smoke bomb.

Tanaka's light refers to Naulu is an assault intercourse. Foreign Minister Wu Zhaozheng, who is visiting Guatemala, is angry.He also accused Nauru of asking Taiwan to ask for the huge aid from the general state diplomatic countries. He was unwilling to disclose the amount, but accused Beijing of using money diplomacy, and he used everything to target Taiwan.

Taiwan media quoted unnamed foreign -related people revealed that Nauro asked Taiwan to ask Taiwan for aid for the huge financial gaps caused by Australia's closure of Nauru Refugee Treatment Center. Among them, the refugee center spent up to 2.6 billion yuan a year (NT $ 100 million, 100 million10 million yuan), this is the last straw that crushes the relationship.

A spokesman for the Presidential Palace accused Mainland of China accusing Taiwan the world's successful completion of the election at this moment. Such a targeted targeted is a revenge on democratic value and a blatant challenge to the international stable order.

The Kuomintang of the Nogaki believes that the move in Beijing is helpless on both sides of the strait, and calls on the mainland to not reduce Taiwan's international space, but it also reminds the DPP to freeze the Taiwan independence party outline as soon as possible, which is the correct practice of maintaining the sovereignty of the Republic of China.Ke Wenzhe, the chairman of the opposition party, regrets the interruption of Nauru, but does not advocate competing with Beijing's vicious diplomatic competition.

Huang Kuibo, a professor at the Department of Foreign Affairs of the University of Political Science, told Lianhe Morning Post that Beijing had long been qualitative to Lai Qingde. The rapid adopted diplomatic actions may be to prevent Lai Qingde not only the idea of ​​promoting Taiwan independence, but it may also be more direct than Cai Yingwen. Then he gave Lai Qingde a one firstThe dismissal was countermeasure.

Huang Kuibo believes that Beijing also wants to let the United States know that Beijing's firm determination to oppose Taiwan independence is not just to talk about it. When necessary, the use of force is not ruled out, and the political information of resolute anti -Taiwan independence to the United States is not excluded.

Huang Kuibo analyzed that the first warning issued by Beijing before taking office in Beijing was from diplomacy. In the future, military or economic signals will also follow.Was removed.

Nauru is located in the South Pacific. It is the smallest island country in the world with an area of ​​only 21.3 square kilometers and a population of about 11,000 people.

Taiwan established diplomatic relations with Nauru in 1980, broke off diplomatic relations in 2002, transferred diplomatic relations with mainland China, and resumed diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 2005.

The Pacific island nation in mainland China has also been dug in Taiwan.China and the United States have increased their competition in the Pacific region in recent years. The Solomon Islands and Kiribas, the two Pacific island countries, broke diplomatic relations with Taiwan in 2019 to establish diplomatic relations with mainland China.