Chen Yunying, a representative of Taiwanese National People's Congress at the open group meeting meetingIt is said that the "de -China" education in Taiwan makes many local voters do not agree that they are Chinese every year, which is a tragedy for Taiwanese.

Comprehensive reports of Zhongshi News Network and Dongsen News Cloud, the Taiwan Decele, the Second Session of the 14th National People's Congress of the mainland, held an open group meeting on Saturday (March 9).

Chen Yunying introduced at the meeting that her suggestions she made in this two sessions must strengthen the implementation of patriotic education for young people in Taiwan, because the "de -Chinaization" education implemented by TaiwanDo not agree that he is a new voter of the Chinese.

She said that after every mobilization of sensational momentum in Taiwan, these voters will deepen their cognitive brainwashing that they are not Chinese.tragedy.

Chen Yunying said that mainland China is already the second largest economy in the world, and it is expected to become the world's largest economy within 10 years.The largest volume has a favorable environment, questioning the Taiwanese government's hype and de -STD, whether young people have to have no future.

When asked about the prospects of cross -strait relations after the Taiwan elections, Chen Yunying said that the Taiwan election is only a local election, and the result does not represent mainstream public opinion.She believes that Taiwan will go from the past blue -green confrontation to the era of three parties co -governance, and bluntly states that Taiwanese society is weakening, and the activities of separationism are very rampant.

Chen Yunying said that cross -strait exchanges will not stop, and the normalization and normalization of cross -strait exchanges will continue to rise, and it will be heated up comprehensively.