Chen Yunying, a representative of the Chinese People's Congress born in Taiwan, said that Taiwanese do not agree that it is a tragedy for Chinese.

China National People's Congress Saturday (3 3 (3On the 9th), a meeting of the open group of the Taiwan delegation was held and asked questions from Chinese and foreign journalists.

When answering questions about the influence of Taiwan's election results on the prospects of cross -strait, Chen Yunying quoted Mainland China State Council that "election results do not represent mainstream public opinion."

Lai Qingde, a DPP, who "self -proclaimed Taiwan independence workers", won in the Taiwan election in January this year. As a result, the DPP can be in power for more than eight consecutive years for the first "R = Nofollow Target = _blank> Bashed cross-strait relations .

Chen Yunying said that the Democratic Progressive Party's votes are 40%, and many young votes flow to the people's party; Taiwan will be weakened from the era of blue -green confrontation to the era of three parties co -governance."We don't say that it collapses. In the process of weakening, the activities of separationism will be very rampant."

She believes that Taiwanese voters have to be sensational every election to deepen that they are not Chinese cognitive brainwashing. "In fact, for Taiwan compatriots, they do not agree that they are Chinese as a tragedy."

Chen Yunying is the wife of Lin Yifu, a well -known Chinese economist.In this year, she put forward suggestions for strengthening Taiwan Youth's implementation of patriotic education.

Chen Yunying also questioned on Saturday that the DPP government continued to carry out the "de -China" hype under the favorable factors such as cross -strait language and culture, short traffic distance, and large economic volume of mainland China.future.

Chen Yunying and other 12 Taiwanese representatives also spoke to cross -strait exchanges, integration development, and Taiwan Youth Employment at the meeting.

As for the Golden Gate turnover incident on the attention of many media, the representatives did not respond when they were asked after the meeting.