The Kuomintang in the wild in Taiwan decided to rectify and Huang Fuxing's party headquarters triggered a background in the party.Any blame, I would like to bear it alone. "

Comprehensive reports from Taiwan reported to the China Times and the Central News Agency, the Kuomintang passed the organizational regulations on Wednesday (March 6) to determine the reorganization of the Huang Fuxing Party Department as the Veterans Service Working Committee, and is responsible for the party affairs of the veterans.The Huang Fuxing Party Department of various places is attributed to the local party department of the Kuomintang, and the central group sessions and counties and cities will be commanded.

But this move caused the Kuomintang to rebound at the grassroots level, questioning that Huang Fuxing's party department was no longer valued and was abolished.It is rumored that the party members of Huang Fuxing threatened to retreat, and the party department of Huang Fuxing also broke out.

Luo Ruida, deputy chairman of the party department of Huang Fuxing, criticized the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun. This is distressed. If you really want to reform, you should quit the party chairman's position first.

Hou Caifeng, a member of the Standing Committee of the Kuomintang Kuomintang, bluntly stated that he only heard that he would be reorganized before the Central Conference.At that time, please communicate and make it clear. "

As the rebound sound was fermented, Zhang Dajun announced on Wednesday night that he announced his resignation with Ji Linlian in the group group of Huang Fuxing.

Zhang Dajun said that the times are changing and the environment is changing, and the difficulties facing the Kuomintang are very dangerous. Please ask everyone a original intention, difficult time for community, support the central government to complete organizational adjustments, and expand the party's unified combat power., Strive for the people's hearts and return to governance.

Zhang Dajun said that Ji Linlian still had to face various problems before he officially resigned. At this moment, you can't pat your ass to walk away.At the point.

Zhu Lilun also said when responding to the rebound sound, he also said that the reform process would definitely encounter resistance, but he would never shrink back. He must do firm determination to do it, and he would not just do it today.

Li Yanxiu, chairman of the Kuomintang Cultural Communication Association, said that Huang Fuxing is an organizational transformation rather than the dismissal, to cope with future challenges and opportunities., "Combine and expand the Huang Fuxing Party Department to deepen local links."

Huang Fuxing's Party Department was established in 1956, the former president of Taiwan and former chairman of the Kuomintang, and has a history of 68 years.In the past, the main members of the special party department were retired officers and soldiers.

There are Taiwanese media that Huang Fuxing has accounted for more than 20 % of the Kuomintang Party members. In 2021, he played an important role in the party chairman's election. At that time, Zhang Yazhong took Huang Fuxing to be aggressive, causing Zhu Lilun to fall into a hard battle.