The Taiwan Democratic Progressive Party legislator Wang Meihui said that she received a threatening letter.The sender asked her to remit 20 million yuan (NT $ 840,000), otherwise the bomb installed in the Wang Meihui service office would detonate.

Wang Meihui uploaded an email screenshot on Facebook on Thursday (March 7), showing the sender's name "Chen Qimai", and the email was issued on the morning of the 7th.

Chen Qimai is the mayor of Kaohsiung Democratic Progressive Party.Wang Meihui pointed out that the sender used Chen Qimai's name, "threatened to install a bomb in the Ahui Service Office, and asked for remittance of 20 million yuan, otherwise the bomb would be detonated."

Wang Meihui said that she had reported the case to the police and emphasized: "As a representative of public opinion, carrying major social responsibilities on his shoulders, he will never bow to evil forces."

According to the Taiwan Liberty Times, before that, the Kuomintang legislator Luo Zhiqiang and the DPP legislator Huang Jie were also intimidated.