The Premier Li Qiang of the State Council of China only mentioned "unity" on the government work report on Tuesday (March 5), which is less than the word "peace" than last year's "peace reunification".Qiu Tai San, the chairman of the mainland committee of Taiwan, said that he could not judge its meaning, and would collect more information and relevant units to study and judge, and then conclude.

The Taiwan Legislative Yuan invited Qiu Tai San and Lin Guoxian, the second chief of the Ministry of Communications on Wednesday (March 6) to conduct a special report and inquiring about the "Stop Tourist Tourism Group: Decision and Follow -up Evaluation Evaluation".Qiu Tai San was asked and Li Qiang's report content was initially responded.

The DPP government has refused to recognize the "1992 Consensus" since its administration in 2016.Lai Qingde, who claims to be "pragmatic Taiwan independence workers", has been elected president earlier this year. In addition, the recent controversy of the Golden Gate turnover incident has continued to rise on both sides of the strait.

The Democratic Progressive Party government released the information from the Taiwan Tourism Troupe to mainland China in March of this year in August last year.Unexpectedly, the government ’s lunar calendar Change M503 and other route operation methods .mainland.The tourism industry threatened to send "congratulatory gifts" to Lai Qingde on May 20 on May 20.

The Minister of Transport Wang Guogu was interviewed by Taiwan media on Wednesday that a total of 4,000 groups and 100,000 people would travel to the mainland from March 1st to the end of May.

Lin Guoxian pointed out that there are 4038 travel agencies in Taiwan, and more than 50%of the businesses do 404 mainland tourism, accounting for 10%.Before the epidemic in 2019, it is estimated that Luke came to Taiwan to consume NT $ 73.9 billion (NT $, below, Same as S $ 3.2 billion). The Taiwanese spent 80.5 billion yuan in land consumption.

Gao Jin Sumei and others of legislators without party membership strongly questioned that the official ban on the formal cited laws has nothing to do with the "national interests". The news that it might be open to the mainland before the election last year was deceiving votes."Child".

The Kuomintang legislators Xu Xinying pointed out the reason for the ban on regiment of the MAC, including the CCP's anti -spy law, but the law was implemented on July 1 last year. Taiwan announced in August last year.Based on this, it is forbidden to leave a group. I don't understand what kind of god logic is this?

Qiu Tai San replied that after the CCP implemented the Anti -Spy Law, there were also implementation rules to observe the subsequent actions, and some people were arrested.He emphasized that based on the principle of equivalent, as long as there is a good response on the other side, the open group passengers travel to Taiwan to re -discuss the M503 route, and the policy will be adjusted.

Gao Jin Su Mei and others also concerned about the decision -making process.Qiu Tai San said that in August last year, it was decided to open the group to the mainland for discussion after the inter -ministerial meeting. At that time, Lai Qingde was busy with the election and did not participate in the matter.Gao Jin Sumei asked the MAC and the Ministry of Communications to submit the record records and influence evaluation reports within a week.