The Taiwan National Defense Minister Qiu Guozheng said on Thursday that the Taiwan army has changed the definition of the "first hit". In the past, it refers to shooting and firing.Essence

Qiu Guozheng was invited to the Legislative Yuan for a business report on Thursday (March 7). When facing the inquiry of the legislators of the court, he twice explained the Taiwan military's attitude towards the "first blow".

"First Hitting" is usually the starting point of the war, especially the first shot of wiping the gun in the confrontation of the two armies.In order to avoid the upgrading of the situation to war, Taiwan has always strictly stipulated the first shot, the first shot or the first bomb.Since the Taiwan Strait missile crisis in 1996, whenever there is doubts about war, it will increase the fire responsibility to the Minister of Defense to decide.

Qiu Guo, who is 71 years old next month, is the second level of the Taiwan Army's retirement.He mentioned that from 2002 to 2004, he began to act as the first -level general of the Defense Minister Tang Yiming, and the definition of the first blow was defined by the Defense Director.

He said that at the time, the so -called first hit was a launch of guns or missiles; but the current environmental changes, there are many ways to disturb the gray area of ​​Taiwan in mainland China.The first blow of the aircraft or HNA entity is the first blow to the mainland.

Qiu Guozheng said that the Ministry of National Defense closely observed whether Beijing will get in the ruler due to Taiwan's avoidance of the situation and forced it to the first blow. By then, if the war, the Taiwanese side can only counter and fight.He emphasized that the Taiwan Army was preparing for war and not to fight. He should not avoid the battle. There was no problem with the first hit, but only the problem of the first counter -counter.

However, Qiu Guozheng did not explicitly explain what the cross -breaking boundary and how to counter them.Generally, the enemy's invasion of the enemy's invasion and leading the sea are regarded as cross -border and declare war.However, Beijing has always regarded Taiwan as part of China, and never acknowledged Taiwan's sovereignty of leading airspace and territorial sea.

reports In response to Taiwan's assault operations against Taiwan, and the "gray band saturated attack" that includes a large number of military aircraft, air balloon, drone and civilian ships, the Taiwan Army has completed the adjustment of supply stocks such as food, oil, and ammunition.In order to enhance the toughness of defense combat; the annual "Hanguang 40" computer soldiers have also extended from the past five days and four nights to the eight -day and seven nights of this year.

Qiu Guo also mentioned in the answer that, as a part of Taiwan -US intelligence, training and exchanges, the frequency of US military personnel came to Taiwan Association for training.Coordinated courses.But he emphasized that the U.S. military did not enter the army in Taiwan.

Speaking of , if the DPP government does not handle it well, he is not surprised even if the mainland moves against Taiwan.Qiu Guozheng responded that he admired Zhao Chunshan and inferred it according to the theory of theory. When the hostile spiral slowly rose, there were many accidents. Although it was restrained, in case of the fire, "No one dares this problem in this problem, no one dares to this problemensure".

Qiu Guozheng also evaluated that the current situation on both sides of the strait is severe and is already on the verge of war.He admitted that he was nervous every day, "I am very nervous and can't sleep well," but clarified that he did not take medicine to help sleep.