The Standing Committee of the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China and the chairman of the CPPCC Wang Huning on Thursday (March 7) emphasized that in the past year, the overall stability of the Taiwan Strait situation has been strongly maintained in Taiwan's work, and further grasped the strategic initiative to achieve complete and unified.

According to the China News Agency, Wang Huning participated in the National People's Congress Taiwan delegation on the same day, emphasizing that it is necessary to resolutely implement the overall strategy of the Chinese Communist Party to solve the Taiwan problem in the new era.Promote the great cause.

Wang Huning also said that we must adhere to a Chinese principle and the "1992 consensus", resolutely oppose the division of Taiwan independence and external forces interference, promote the deep development of cross -strait integration and development.The future fate is firmly in the hands of Chinese people on both sides of the strait. "

The General Secretary of the Communist Party of China Xi Jinping once again put forward the goal of advancing the peaceful and unified process.

台湾淡江大学两岸关系研究中心主任张五岳接受联合早报采访时分析,习近平的这番说法证实北京对台方针不因台湾选举结果而改变,但反独、促统、Promoting the power will definitely strengthen.