The three Taiwanese subsidiaries under the Hong Kong Xuhui Group are suspected of financial fraud, and have attracted more than $ 5 billion (about S $ 6.7 billion).

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and Zhongshi News Network reported on Wednesday (March 6) that the Austrian Financial Group, which has a scale of nearly 100 billion yuan, closed at the end of May last year., Known as the largest financial fraud in Taiwan history.

The Taiwan Investigation Bureau investigated that the leader of the entire case was Liu Jinhua, the Hong Kong Xuhui Financial Group, the three Taiwanese subsidiaries of Zhaofu, the rich, and the Taichi of the Hong Kong Xuhui Financial Group., Sucking more than $ 5 billion.

The Taipei City Investigation Office searched the rich and Taichi on Tuesday (5th). After the Taipei District Procuratorate's late night investigation, 12 people, the general manager of the rich, the general manager of the rich,To NT $ 3 million (about 8495 to 120,000 yuan) paid for insurance.

Liu Jinhua is a Hong Kong person. The person in charge of the rich Chen Weiping and the head of Taiji Song Anshan are Taiwanese people. All three have not arrived overseas.

Reported that Australian Financial Group, known as 100 billion yuan in assets, sold the AA Fund for more than 10 years in Taiwan for more than 10 years, claiming that the annual interest rate is as high as 8 % to 10, and the investment threshold is $ 1 millionIn order to attract 13,000 people investment.The most well -known victim is Li Anni, the daughter of former Taiwan President Li Denghui, who was scammed about NT $ 550 million.

The Investigation Bureau received a report, referring to the Hong Kong Xufeng Group and the head of the rich, and the person in charge of the Taichi company Liu Jinhua and others. From 2013 to 2022, they sold TOP WOP WORTH and PT value -added wealth management accounts illegally in Taiwan.The annual rate of annual rates is 7 to 12 %, and the principal is guaranteed during the investment period. At present, nearly a hundred investors are reported, and the loss amount exceeds more than 80 million US dollars.

The Taiwan Investigation Bureau found that Liu Jinhua was distinguished by the country and first launched the Aoyang AA Fund by Zhaofu Company.Therefore, AA Feng AA derived a total of 30 funds of AA1, AA2, and AA3. The case handler launched a search last year to investigate Jinliu and find that Zhaofu, the rich, and Taichi attracted more than 5 billion US dollars in Taiwan.

The survey shows that Zhaofu, Rich and Taicai's three companies exist at the same time. Zhaofu mainly sells the "AA Fund", the "Topworth value -added wealth management account" and "PTUA value -added"The two -fledged funds of the wealth management account lied that the fund came from Malaysia and Indonesia. The method of attracting gold was to solicit investors by explaining, and then brainwashed by the salesperson to successfully suck gold fraud in Taiwan. Most funds did not know where to go.