During the National People's Congress of China, Cai Zhan, the mayor of Quanzhou, Fujian, China, responded to the media's incident on the Golden Gate turnover. He strictly condemned Taiwan to implement violence against the mainland fishermen and ignored the safety of the lives and property of mainland fishermen.

The National People's Congress Fujian delegation reviews the government work report on Wednesday (March 6) in the afternoon and opens the media interviews.Zhou Zuyi and Governor Zhao Long, secretary of the Fujian Provincial Party Committee of the Communist Party of China attended the event.

The main questions were named in mainland China, only one Hong Kong media.The official also did not touch the recently -received Golden Gate turning over the recently -received Golden Gate.

Most representatives are avoided in the face of the media's question about the Golden Gate turnover incident.

Cai Zhansheng was surrounded by the media when the event was off after the event. In response to how the shipwreck incident would affect the integration of the cross -strait, the mainland has always adhered to the concept of a family on both sides of the strait, set up multiple facilities in many places along the coast, and services to serve in many places.Fishermen on both sides of the Taiwan Strait, especially in the coast, set up facilities that are convenient for Taiwanese fishermen.

He said that on the other hand, Taiwan officials carried out violent implementation of mainland fishing vessels for various reasons, ignoring the safety of the lives and property of mainland fishermen, and "we are extremely indignant to its behavior."

A fishing boat on Mainland China on February 14th in the waters near Jinmen Bei Island, was chased after being chased by the Taiwan sea patrol boat. The four on the boat fell into the sea.Hostility heating up.