The Taiwan Constitutional Court will start a court abolition of the death penalty on April 23. Chen Jianren, the president of the Executive President, revealed that there was no plan to perform the death penalty before the new and old government's transfer on May 20.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily and Wind Media reported that when the Kuomintang legislator Ke Zhien questioned Chen Jianren on Friday (March 8), he asked the number of death penalty for the Cai Yingwen government to execute so far.

Chen Jianren said that after Cai Yingwen executed, he executed two death penalties, and according to the plan, the death penalty would not be performed before the new and old governments were handed over on May 20.In addition, the death penalty prisoners are still waiting for the Constitutional Court to open the trial debate on the case of the death penalty on April 23.

Ke Zhien pointed directly at this, this is exactly the problem. Why did Tsai Ing -wen have eight years in power, and the constitutional defense was explained in the last month before the step -down?

She said, "The prisoner of death does not want to die, and the victim does not want to die." All the suspects sentenced to death were determined by the third trial. This is judicial justice.However, the DPP government cooperates with civil organizations to delay through constitutional interpretation and retrial. Does the government believe that judges' judgment is a mess?Why leave this problem to President Lai Qingde.

Chen Jianren responded that everyone's views on the death penalty are different, but the guarantee of human rights is also important. When the judge should be explained by the judge, the judge is determined by the judicial independence.The trial.

Ke Zhien urged that if the abolition of the DPP is the Lord of the DPP, the DPP should bravely tell the abolition and formulate a supporting measure.The first of the new government is 38 death prisoners. "

The man Wang Xinfu was charged and instigated to shoot two police officers, and was sentenced to death. However, he advocated that the death penalty of the criminal law of the criminal law was unconstitutional and claimed that he was explained.The Constitutional Court merged with other deaths of death prisoners and scheduled to open the trial on April 23. The 37 death prisoners to be executed will challenge Taiwan's death penalty system.

The DPP proposed to abolish the death penalty in the party ’s program action program. Democratic Progressive Party also proposed repeatedly abolition of the subject during its administration.The topic is gone.