The Chinese and Philippine ships occur in the disputed waters of the South China Sea on Tuesday (March 5). The United States said that China ’s actions were provocative and the United States stood with the Philippines.Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesman Mao Ning said on Wednesday (6th) that the US State Department ignored the facts and reversed black and white to endorses and cheer up for the Philippine's infringement provocation platform. China resolutely opposed it.

Mao Ning said at a regular press conference held by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs on the same day that Renai Reef is part of the Nansha Islands in China. China has an indisputable in the Nansha Islands including Renai Reef and its nearby waters nearby.Sovereignty, this is formed and established in the long -term historical process, which is in line with international law, including the United Nations Charter.

Mao Ning said that the Chinese Maritime Police adopted the necessary law enforcement measures on the Filipino's infringement and provocations of the Philippines in the Renai Reef infringement.In this incident, who is actively provoking and creating incidents, who violates international law and endangers the peace and stability of the South China Sea?The truth is clear at a glance.

Mao Ning said that the US State Department ignored the facts, reversed black and white, and blamed the Chinese side to accuse the Chinese legitimate legal rights protection operations.Avil, China resolutely opposed.

Mao Ning also said that the so -called ruling of the South China Sea arbitration case, which was regarded by the Philippines and individual countries as Gui, seriously violated international law including the United Nations Marine Law Convention, which was completely illegal and ineffective.The issue of Renai Reef is a bilateral issue between China and the Philippines. Any third party, including the United States, should not take the opportunity to provoke, let alone intervene.The determination of China to safeguard its legitimate rights is unswerving, and the Philippine's infringement and provocations will not succeed.The Chinese side advised the United States not to use the Philippines as a chess piece to disturb the situation in the South China Sea, and the Philippine side should not let the US mapping. Historical lessons show that the pawn will eventually only become abandoned.

There are two collisions in the disputed waters of the South China Sea in China."Inciting hype" and reiterating the power of the Philippines will not give up the power to conduct maritime activities.

The U.S. State Department issued a statement on Tuesday to condemn China to adopt a "provocative action" in the South China Sea, repeatedly obstructing the right of freedom of the Philippine vessels to exercise the freedom of freedom of navigation, and said that the United States and the Philippines were standing together.