Taipei Mayor Jiang Wanan went to Guandu Palace on the fourth day of the New Year's Day (February 13) and was asked by the media about the issue of 2028 on behalf of the Kuomintang to compete with the presidential position. "Work".

According to the United Daily report, for the 2028 Taiwan election, American scholar Qi Kaili named Jiang Wanan and Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan.And Jiang Wanan's opinion, he responded, "Don't always help me find a job."

The media asked, if (Taipei Mayor) campaign is re -elected, everyone will worry about his dissatisfaction in 2028. Jiang Wanan responded, "I will only be the mayor for more than a year."重要是市民朋友期待台北市越来越好,我会尽最大的努力好好把台北市打造成一个安全之都、运动之都和未来之都”。

媒体又问,如果Huang Shanshan, a legislator of the people's party, came back in 2026, and then competed to the mayor of Taipei. Has he said that he wanted to say to this potential opponent?In the new year, wealthy, making money, making a fortune ".