(Hong Kong / Taipei Comprehensive News) The second day of the New Year's Day of Shatian Chegong Temple in Hong Kong, the New Year's New Year's luck will be signed.The signing master said that the overall "Ma Ma (very ordinary)" in Hong Kong, the Hong Kong government should focus on dealing with people's livelihood problems.

According to the Hong Kong 01, NOW News Channel, etc., Liu Yeqiang, chairman of the New Territories Township of Hong Kong, Sunday (February 11), is the birthday of the second day of the New Year.Sign in the number.This is Liu Yeqiang's seventh consecutive year for Hong Kong to get a winning sign.

The signing of the 15th sign of the 15th is "the ax is held in the mountains, and when it is not obtained, it is found; it damages the good material and lose power, and persuades the king to stay in spring."Blessings, marriage is not in line, you are safe, and you can find it at all. "

Chen Tianen, a signing master of the Chegong Temple, said that the signing of the article means that the Hong Kong economy has not gone out of eight arms for a long time. He is looking for a way out and facing the problem of talent loss. At least the economy will not improve in September.

Some palace temples in Taiwan also seek signing for Taiwan's fortune.According to the United Daily report, the first night of the first night of the New Taipei Mitsuki Palace for "signing down" for Taiwan, which aroused concerns from all walks of life.Li Qianlong, chairman of the first palace, explained that the gods said that everyone is a brother. The Taiwan and the Taiwan Strait are the same. The same is true of the Taiwan and the Taiwan Straits. Everyone should not quarrel, be disturbed by the outside world, and work hard for Taiwan to work hard for the people.

New Year's Eve in Yonglian Temple, Luzhou District, New Taipei City, draws a "lower middle" sign for Taiwan's fortune.Yang Lianfu, a member of the Management Committee, explained that it is necessary to pay attention to and listen to the public opinion to reverse the victory, and it is necessary to be fiercely fierce; there may be conflicts on both sides of the strait, but there is still a turnaround.