For the veterans of the party, Cai Qiru pointed out that he would not be employed. If the people's party was self -proclaimed, it was probably faster than the Democratic Party. When Ke Wenzhe responded, he rejected the media to "provoke separation."

Comprehensive Taiwan Yiping News Network and Zhongshi News Network reported that the former party legislator Cai Qiru said in an interview that the People's Party Central Committee now has a fake self -proclaimed.The speed of party foaming will be faster than the President of the Democratic Party.

In this regard, Ke Wenzhe went to the Banqiao Cihui Palace in Banqiao, Xinbei Banqiao Palace on Monday (February 12).Spending time and spending money, I had to use "urban election campaign" in this election during a limited time, aiming at the city.

When the media asked Cai Biru to refer to people's problems, Ke Wenzhe immediately rejected the media, "Your reporters are provoking separation every day, which is really troublesome."

For Cai Wangru, if he returned to the people's party, he would die miserable. Ke Wenzhe said, "No," Cai Wangru was the first general of the people party. How could she think so?Come back should be that others are afraid of her and others. How can she be miserable?

As for Cai Qiru's decision to accept Taichung Mayor Lu Xiuyan's invitation to be a consultant to the city government, whether it means becoming a man of Lu Xiuyan, Ke Wenzhe responded that Cai Qiru hopes to develop in Taichung., High degree of freedom.As for the party's position, he will discuss after the New Year, and he will find Cai Bo Rulai to discuss, and he will also find time to visit Lu Xiuyan.