The Taiwan celebrity "Good Night Chicken", famous for the live broadcast of live broadcasts, went to the Cambodian Xigang fraud park live broadcast on Monday (February 12). It was reported that he was suspected of being beaten in Cambodia that night, and his life and death were unknown.The wife of "Good Night Chicken" confirmed that her husband had lost contact in the early morning on Tuesday (13th).

Comprehensive United Daily News and Dongsen News reported that "Good Night Chicken" went to the "Kaibo Park" adventure alone on Monday. When he opened the live broadcast that night, he suddenly interrupted.Come over, and "Good Night Chicken" wanted to turn around and escape. Unexpectedly, it was suspected to be caught. Then the sound of beating in the live broadcast. The last person in military uniforms turned off the live broadcast. LaterThe chicken "lost contact, causing the outside world to pay attention.

"Good Night Chicken" wife "Love Po" and live broadcast with another online celebrity Jie brother on Tuesday morning, saying that the "Good Night Chicken" went to Cambodia alone to live broadcast.It was admitted that the Cambodian itinerary was not approved by this time, but the "Good Night Chicken" insisted on going alone.

Jie Ge explained that the trip to Cambodia was arranged to accompany the local area through travel agencies, and the tour guide's tour guide was introduced by him, but because the time was late, he had not contacted the tour guide and "good night chicken".Jie Ge also said that the next processing method, the first is to contact the local tour guide through travel agencies and tour guides, and the second invites people to bring money to Cambodia to learn about the local situation.

The Taiwan Criminal Bureau responded to the "Good Night Chicken" incident that after understanding that the family members have not received the net red family contact the police, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has not received urgent assistance.Keep in touch with foreign units.