Former Taiwan President Ma Ying -jeou's second day of the year (February 11), in accordance with the example of the ancestor worshiping the ancestor of Miaoli Tongxiamajiazhuang, recalls the experience of returning to Hunan, Mainland China last year, emphasizing that "the end of caution is the far away from China."Human virtue", the ancestor sacrifice of ancestors in the mainland made him very significant.

Comprehensive Taiwan Lianhe Daily Free Times reported that Ma Ying -jeou will come to Majiazhuang ancestors on the second day of the New Year's Day. This year is the 27th year.This tradition.When Ma Ying -jeou worshiped his ancestors with the ancestors and distributed a blessing bag with the ancestors in Majiazhuang on Sunday.

Ma Ying -jeou mentioned that he gave a speech at Hunan dialect in Mainland China last year to worship the ancestors of Mainland China, "Everyone feels strange, why is this person's Hunan dialect so fluent?"In terms of Hunan dialect is his mother tongue.

Ma Ying -jeou said, "We Chinese emphasize that cautiously chase the far away and the people's virtue return, which is a very important part of Chinese culture," so he felt very meaningful at that time to return to his ancestor to worship his ancestors.

Ma Ying -jeou also said that when I heard that there was a Majiazhuang in Tongxiao, the people in the whole village were all surnamed Ma. After he learned of it, he came to find out and found that the hall number "Fufeng Hall" of the Majiazhuang Ancestral Hall "Fufeng Hall"Like his house number, he was deeply shaken. He also started to worship his ancestors on the second day of each year. It has been here for more than 20 years. Majiazhuang is regarded as his "hometown in Taiwan".Also come to worship ancestors.