Taiwan Internet celebrFebruary 12) Live broadcasting the live broadcast of the Xigang Fraud Park in Cambodia was interrupted, and then there was a loss of contact. He started the live broadcast on Facebook on Tuesday (February 13) in the afternoon.Essence

Comprehensive United Daily News and Sanli News reported that "Good Night Chicken" cried in the camera and complained that he was beaten and imprisoned the night before, saying that the clothes were also torn after being beaten., Hand, feet, and neck were tied up by them. The other party also used an electric shock stick to be abused. His hair was shaved half. A mobile phone was taken away.Both were snatched.

During the live broadcast, "Good Night Chicken" kept panting and trembling, and mentioned that a man with a gun earlier said "leave".It can be let go, "I have been running all the time."

He also cried and said, "I know all this is my own problem, I am myself, I don't blame anyone, I blame myself, always take my body, live my life, live my lifeDesperate ... ", and blame himself many times, saying:" It's my own problem "," It's my fault. "

"Good night Chicken" explained that the intention of opening the live broadcast in the afternoon was to record and let the outside world know that he had escaped smoothly, saying that he had no mood to read the netizen's message, and choked and said, "I want to go home"," I dare not come to Cambodia again!

Good night chicks also reported on Ping An on IG, saying "Brother, I am currently sent to a hospital, don't worry about me, I wish everything is good"And said, "At present, the doctor said that the brain is torn and wounded, so I'm afraid that the mobile phone will be taken away. Thank you for supporting me all the way."When he opened the live broadcast that night, he suddenly interrupted. The screen showed that someone came over with a flashlight.Live.