The dust of the Taiwan election has not been settled for long, and Nao Lu, the Pacific Island country, announced that it will break diplomatic relations with Taiwan and build diplomatic relations with mainland China.

According to Reuters, the Nauru government said in a statement on Monday (January 15) that Nauru will break diplomatic relations with Taiwan and recognize the People's Republic of China.

This also means that the number of diplomatic relations between Taiwan will be reduced to 12.The Taiwan Ministry of Foreign Affairs will hold a press conference at 2:15 pm.

TVBS News Network called the Norrui Embassy to ask if there is a problem with the DC diplomatic diplomatic diplomatic relations and whether there is a crisis of diplomatic relations.The ambassador officials only said: "It is being dealt with, and later explained."

Temple established diplomatic relations on May 4, 1980. Nauru broke her diplomatic relations with Taiwan in July 2002 and turned to ChinaThe establishment of diplomatic relations in the mainland was until 2005 Taiwan Foreign Minister Chen Tangshan and Nauru President Lutwig Sikadi signed a communiqué in Taipei.President Nauru David Adeang served as President in October 2023, and the Ambassador to the Taiwan Ambassador to Nauru congratulated the government on behalf of the government.At that time, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs pointed out that the friendship between the two countries was stable and the high -level interoperability was frequent.The results of the implementation are obvious to all, and they are widely praised and affirmed by the Nou government and the people.