Taiwan Cai Yingwen met with former senior officials in the United States when he visited the former senior officials in the United States.It is said that Taiwan -American partnership is closely and solid, and it is expected that Taiwan -US relations will continue to move forward, becoming an important driving force for regional and global prosperity and development.

According to a press release issued by the Taiwan Government, Cai Yingwen visited the former national security adviser Hardley and former deputy state Secretary of State Stanpog in the presidential palace on Monday (January 15).group.

In his speech, Tsai Ing -wen said that Taiwan has just completed the election of Zheng and Vice President and Legislative Council.In addition to issuing a congratulatory statement immediately after the election, the United States also dispatched a heavyweight cross -party delegation to visit Taiwan. She would express a sincere welcome on behalf of the people of Taiwan.

Tsai Ing -wen pointed out that the visit of the delegation is of great significance, which not only fully shows the United States' support for democracy in Taiwan, but also highlights the close and solid partnership of Taiwan and the United States.

She emphasized that Taiwan is now the world.In the past eight years, Taiwan has continued to deepen cooperation with localities.Especially last year, the first batch of agreements in the 21st century trade initiative of Taimei was signed. This is the most complete trade agreement in Taiwan and the United States since 1979, creating an important milestone for the economic and trade relations between the two parties.

Tsai Ing -wen said that Taiwanese side also expects that Taiwan and the United States can solve dual taxation problems as soon as possible, assist Taiwanese businessmen's diversified overseas layout, and help the United States to strengthen economic toughness and create more economic trade for the people of the two places.Kiki.

Tsai Ing -wen believes that with the improvement of partnership, Taiwan and the United States can expand cooperation in the fields of environmental sustainability, technology development, and educational culture.In the future, as in the past few years to fight against the epidemic, Taiwan and the United States will also cooperate together to respond to various global challenges.