The Taiwan and legislators elections in 2024 have ended.At the press conference on Monday (January 15) at the Noan people, candidates who intend to compete for the leadership of the Legislative Yuan should express their reform position, which is more important than who is elected.

Comprehensive reports of Dongsen News Cloud and Zhongshi News Network, the Taiwan Legislative Yuan will conduct the election of Zheng and Vice President on February 1st.Object.

A press conference on Monday of the People's Party Legislative Council on Monday held a press conference on the principles of the operation of the Future Legislative Council, as well as the president of the Election Legislative Yuan and Deputy Dean.At the press conference, the People's Party proposed the four legislative reform commitments, requiring the response of the candidates of the Legislative President of the Legislative President.

Huang Guochang, a elected election of the people's party, pointed out that the party's party membership and party group made four specific commitments to the candidates of the legislative court as determined to compete for the presidentIn the first meeting period, the establishment of a hearing survey system for the establishment of the Legislative Yuan, strengthening the right to renovate the rights of personnel consent, the amendment of the law to strengthen the interests of the interests of legislators, and regularly announce the use of relevant funds.

Huang Guochang said that he believes that it is important to obey such basic principles to comply with such basic principles.In the election of the president of the Legislative Yuan, there is only one most important principle "reform is more important than position". The two major parties are required to be interested in the leaders of the Legislative Yuan to clearly explain the blueprint of the reform of the legislature.This will determine the attitude and position taken by the Party Legislative Court and the Party and Vice President when the deputy dean is elected.

Huang Shanshan, a elected election of not partition legislators, also said that Blue and Green first answered the reform position of Congress, "We don't care about who (the dean of the Legislative Yuan)."

As for the future, how to deal with the conditions proposed by the people's party groups in the future, Huang Shanshan said, "We just have the test questions today, see if the two parties should answer, and the answer to the blue and green will ask the answer to the answer.Later, discuss the next step.You Xizhen and Cai Qichang competed. The Kuomintang's non -divided legislator elected South Korea Yu, and Huang Shanshan, a candidate for the legislators of the people's party, was regarded as a potential leader of the Legislative Council.