The era of pro -green in Taiwan announced the collective resignation of the party's decision -making committee after this election defeat.

The end of the Taiwan election invoicing is over. The power of the times only obtained 350,000 political party votes in the election of the legislators of the non -section.People enter the Legislative Yuan.

Time Power posted on Facebook on Saturday (January 14) in Facebook, sorry, let everyone disappointed, could not stay in the Legislative Yuan to speak, and announced that the decision -making committee members of the times will collectively resign and choose to option.Apply for re -election.

The chairman of the Time Power Party Wang Wanzhang also said at the press conference earlier that there is no reason for the defeat. The power of the times will take responsibility for the election results, and in -depth review and continuous improvement.Before the re -election of the decision -making committee, Wang Wanzhang continued to serve as the acting party chairman to handle party affairs related matters and maintain the normal administrative operation of the times. He also hoped that voters would give more support in the future.