After the Taiwan election results were released on Saturday (January 13), the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Mainland China emphasized that a Chinese principle is to maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Sea. I believe that the international community will continue to adhere to a China principle, understand and support ChinaThe people oppose the "Taiwan independence" division and strive to complete the national unity of justice.

According to China CCTV, a spokesman for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Mainland said in the form of a reporter's question that the Taiwan issue is China's internal affairs. No matter how the situation in Taiwan changes, there is only one China and Taiwan in the world.Facts will not change.

The spokesman said that the Chinese government adheres to the position of a Chinese principle, opposes the division of "Taiwan independence", and opposes the "two China" and "one middle and one stage".General consensus and stable pattern will not change.

The spokesman emphasized that a Chinese principle is to maintain the peace and stability of the Taiwan Strait."We believe that the international community will continue to adhere to the principle of China, understand and support the Chinese people's opposition to 'Taiwan independence' division activities, and strive to complete the national unity of justice."The results of the Taiwan election show that Mainstream public opinion .