The negotiation of the Kuomintang and the people's party and party in Taiwan will be held on Wednesday (November 15) in the morning.In addition to the Kuomintang Chairman Zhu Lilun, Hou Youyi and Ke Wenzhe, the President of the Blue and Bai Dynasties, former President Ma Ying -jeou will also attend the meeting as a witness.

The Kuomintang posted on Tuesday (November 14) that the Blue and White Party will hold a second party negotiation at the Ma Ying -jeou Cultural and Education Foundation on Wednesday at 10 am to negotiate on the field of field, and invite Ma Ying -jeou to Ma Ying -jeouAs witnesses.According to the news, no media interviews and filming before and before the meeting will unify the media explanation after the meeting.

In addition, in responseThe list of committees will also be voted at the plenary meeting of the Central Committee at 2 pm on the 19th.

Different from the decisions of the blue and white parties on the candidates of the Zheng and Vice President, the two parties have been in a deadlock for the integration of the two parties.Ma Ying -jeou stated on Friday (November 10) and stated that he would resolve the "blue and white" ride in the field with the whole people.