The Chinese National Men's Football Team tied the Singapore team 2-2 on the evening of March 21, ending another round of World Cup qualifiers. As a result, Chinese fans fell into despair again.It is not that Singapore cannot win. They should even be able to win the game, which originally belonged to the charm of football.It is just that Chinese fans are slowly unbearable in the disappointment of decades, and they still do not die after many large -scale football anti -corruption, but now the results that have been declining can not help but start to doubt.It ’s not that Chinese men do n’t work, or even the Chinese.

Of course, such remarks are more like an impulse of anger. There is never a reliable basis, but it shows the distress and frustration of people's hearts.What else?From the perspective of the scale and global influence of the number of participants, as the world's first movement, the world's first movement should be more representative and convincing than other sports. After all, on the football field, you can see the rigor and discipline of the Germans like other places like other places., French romance and chic, South America's talent and passion, Africa's physique and impulse, etc., can see more attentive people.

As a great population, it has performed terrible in the world's first sports project. Chinese football has always been a mysterious issue.If it is due to the innate factors of races, South Korea and Japan, which belong to East Asia, have given counter -evidence; if the backward investment in the economy is insufficient, it has been in the world's second largest economy for many years. The standard football field has become almost every school.Basic equipment; if complaining about the low level of the masses' foundation, what kind of high requirements can the football enthusiasts who have been hurt repeatedly?Behind the many mysteries, what makes the Chinese people feel sad is that everyone feels that things that can be done are not good; what is more embarrassing is that everyone may participate in the reason for the poor.

Chinese football is a "three -free product". Three things that are missing, the Chinese have not been prepared carefully.

No interest.There are no shortage of young people with football talents in China, but as they grow older, their results in world competitions are getting worse and worse; many practitioners who love football in China, but in many cases, it is difficult to see players express relaxation and happiness.This is the first source of the gap between Chinese football and world -class levels. Many people lose their childhood interests and have no love for football. The motivation for their football industry to slowly become interests and happiness.Including money, status, beauty, and various luxurious lives, etc., football has become a means of seeking these things, not the purpose of life.The fun is gone, and the focus is gone, of course, the grades are even less.This determines that the players will not take the initiative to improve training, let alone think about tactics, so there is no news that players secretly practice in China, and the world's top players such as Keronaldo, Beckham, etc. often do such things.; I can't see the differences and quarrels of players and coaches in China, because they have hardly devoted themselves to a tactical thinking of a game.

The performance of the Chinese in all walks of life has a similar situation. The work worked for a lifetime is the means of making a living. The purpose is to enjoy it. Few people do their own career out of interest and ideals.It is one of the reasons why China can't have top scientists and scholars.Ordinary people often shirk their responsibilities with their own general endowments, but this kind of ordinary people have undoubtedly stifled many talents and fun around them, because it also requires children around them, although you don't know their interests.Everyone is involved in the creation of the entire society as a growth path that is not interesting instead of interest. Everyone is doing a career that is not loved for life. How can they produce world -renowned achievements?

Professional spirit is obviously insufficient

There is no professionalism.Professional spirit is a scientific concept and a modern requirement, but it is obviously relatively insufficient in the field of Chinese football.For example, the most basic physical reserves, what are the 12 -minute running results of professional players, how are the running efficiency of accelerated and returning running, what is the number of running distances and steals of the entire game, and what is the specific performance of the team and everyone.These data are very easy to obtain under today's technical conditions, but it seems that the national team coaching team is not like, because often seeing players walking on the court, 70 minutes after 70 minutes, they are heavy as they are poured, but these people who can't even run without running can not work.Can it be played repeatedly, is there no corresponding professional standard for the formation of the team?Li Tie, who has already fallen off, is known for his "unable to run", but as long as it is on the court, shouldn't this be the most basic requirement?How can it become valuable quality?There are also other football basic skills training that people dare not mention more, such as long -distance, side rear, high -speed stop and passing connection technology, physical confrontation strength, left and right foot shooting accuracy, tactical execution, stadium position, etc.These clear quality can be practiced and then played, but these basic professional skills are really rare in the field of Chinese football.

The professional spirit outside the court is also insufficient. Market -based football games are mixed with many non -football things. Win -winning relies on non -football operations such as fake balls and black whistles.For decades, the professionals who are immersed in them can guide football wherever a bureaucracy can be used to ensure professionalism?Looking at it, most of the officials of the Football Association of all countries in the world are famous football. The professionalism under prestige is always worthy of trust; all participants such as football reviews, referees, coaches, etc. need long -term professional training, or simply professional players.Among them, it is not good -looking or good.

Sanwu style.The style is a unique style displayed in a certain field. This is a high requirement for Chinese football, but it is not difficult.For example, it can give people a desperate feeling like the Korean team. It can adhere to the control of tactics like the Spanish team, even if they are backward.The rough style is a acceptable style, but unfortunately there is nothing in Chinese football.However, there are some things that make people cry and laugh. If you encounter a strong team, you will be short. Anyway, you will lose.Winning is a shameful thing, and it is often lost in the event.

The goal does not embrace the assisting teammates, and do not thank the team for help during the victory; they will find reasons other than themselves when they lose, or claim that they do their best;The referee protested, but rarely proposed a true legal appeal after the game; the highest request for off -site requesting, not thinking on the field; it seems that since I can't do the outstanding leading geese, I will be a turtle that is overwhelmed.Football matches are one of the most participants. The more people, the more discipline and cooperation, the more they can reflect the overall attitude and style. The overall Chinese football is no decent style, and may not think about which direction to develop.This may also be closely related to the phenomenon of "lying down" and "rotten" that appeared in the workplace in recent years. If everyone is so negative in life, how can people who play football have noble souls?

Chinese football is a "three -free product". Of course, this judgment is exaggerated, but it is difficult to hide the judgment.EssenceThere are two ways to go out of the "Three None Products". One is to destroy and the other is to improve. If the road is resolute, you must go later.Everyone go together!

The author is Yangzhou current affairs commentator