Most of the subway lines in various places run in a similar way of rotating Trojan, that is, the train walks from one end to the other and then turns to passengers.Provide services to form a certain waste.

The new MRT test artificial intelligence technology, according to the habit of taking the subway and passenger volume, is the most efficient departure frequency for automatic calculation of the 42 -kilometer Binhai City Line (Downtown Line) to make good use of resources to make good use of resources, By reduce operating costs.

Once proven is feasible, other new subway lines can also use artificial intelligence technology to effectively coordinate the frequency of subway departure.

Shen Weiming (47 years old), president of the New MRT Group, said in an exclusive interview with Lianhe Morning Post that the company began to use artificial intelligence technology to simulate last year.Essence

He pointed out that there is a urban line of 34 subway stations, from Wuji Ban to the Expo Station, and passengers passing through the area varies.For example, there are many schools in Wuji Zhima, but during the school holiday, there are basically no passengers on the train, but they still have to call the same number of trains in order to cope with the needs of Tanni or Wuji Class to allow the higher passenger needs.

Shen Weiming said: "The question is, is this the most effective way of transfer of train distribution? Or it can be divided into two rotary systems, one of the more calls, one less?"

He pointed out that the new MRT is using past data to simulate, understanding and proposed the most consistent way of trains to dispatch passenger travel habits and passenger volume.This includes variables such as large -scale events, school date or daily passenger quantity peaks, and divide the entire urban line into two rotary systems to arrange trains through.

Shen Weiming said that this will fundamentally change the way to dispatch trains."If there are two or even three rotating systems to serve the designated sections, you don't need to put so many trains for the entire subway line."

The test plan was launched at the end of this year first test on the weekend

He revealed that the current simulation results show that even if the number of trains is reduced can still cope with demand.The new MRT will follow up the test plan at the end of this year based on the results of the simulation.

As for how to "divide the subway line into two", Shen Weiming for example, if the small Indian station is a bifurcation point, the passengers who let the passengers get on the car wantGet off the bus and transfer to the train to the expo station.

As for whether the passenger's drive time will be extended, Shen Weiming said that the time for the waiting train is roughly unchanged. The only inconvenience is that passengers may have to change the train, and the drive may be more than one minute.

When selecting the fork point, the factors considering the new MRT include the terrain, ensuring that there is enough space for the train to turn around, and passenger travel habits and passenger volume at different subway stations.

Increased productivity to the province of 12 million yuan last year to the 10,000 employees

In addition to the use of science and technology to improve the efficiency of train, the new MRT also allows employees to compete for more responsibilities through training to make good use of resources and save expenses.

For example, all subway stations can drive trains and can play if necessary; train engineers can now repair vehicle signals and communication systems.These tasks were borne by their respective departments in the past.

Shen Weiming said that allowing staff to master different skills can help increase productivity and make the work team more streamlined.The New MRT will send fair expenditures to all employees to raise productivity.

He revealed that in the past three years, the new MRT has increased at least 10 million yuan per year due to the increase in productivity."We have about 10,000 employees. In other words, each employee gets about 1,200 yuan."

Shen Weiming said that such arrangements are beneficial to the company and staff.This is because the operating cost of the company will be reduced, and the more costs to assist employees, the more benefits can be obtained.Employees can also get higher salary.

In the first half of the year, push two new technology products to optimize passenger experience

In addition, the new MRT will launch two new technology products in the first half of this year to optimize the passenger experience.This includes the launch of digital concierge waiters at some subway stations and bus conversion stations, answering common questions of passengers, and even providing broadcast indications during service interruption.

The New MRT will also launch a digital version that can translate sounds and text into sign language in the near future to help patients with hearing impairment.