Our general direction is to combine the strength and resources of Singapore Chinese literature groups to promote the correct use of AI to assist Xinhua literature, popularize AI knowledge in the literary world, and strengthen Xinhua writers' understanding of AI auxiliary writing and editing functions.And avoid literature and writing into the misunderstanding of AI.

A person who does not understand poetry, does not look at poems, and does not write poetry. Through artificial intelligence "creation", he created "poetry" when he lacks creative experience and emotional experience.With the assistance of artificial intelligence, it becomes a "poet", which is a gratifying popularity for poems?Or a sad harm?

If the writer's poet ignores the existence of artificial intelligence (AI), or is not familiar with artificial intelligence, but people who are not familiar with literary creation or have no experience in writing are diligent in "creative literature" through artificial intelligence.Is this a harm?Or is the literary popularity in the era of artificial intelligence?

AI has entered the field of Xinhua Literature, and some people choose to turn a blind eye; some people choose to watch; although some people pay attention to it, they do not participate; some people have various views and opinions, but they have a half -knowledge of AI and even have not experienced themselves.Or learn.Some people worry that they are "unable to keep up" or "abandoned", thinking that they are old and do not need to learn.

With the development of AI technology, we believe that there will be more and more problems, especially in the field of creativity and art, including literary creation, and the impact of AI trend, which may promote human emotions in various arts and literary works in various arts and literary worksMoisturize more and faster.

By learning to face AI challenges

I think it is the most basic way to face and not escape.Pay attention to AI and learn the basic application knowledge of AI is one of the ways to prepare in advance.

In view of this, the Fifth Xinhua Youth Literature Award ceremony hosted by the Singapore Writers Association specially launched an artificial intelligence cooperation project to sign the cooperation memorandum of cooperation with Singapore's AIPILOT and Singapore Artificial Intelligence Language Education Association with Singapore.In combination with technology, resources, knowledge, education, and training, in the short term and long -term cooperation with AI related to Chinese literature, we will make basic preparations for the future.Xinhua Literature embarks on the construction track of artificial intelligence high -speed rail.

We in short -term and long -term cooperation projects include:

1. With the powerful functions of AI communication, expand the reader group of Xinhua literature.

2. Through AI's intelligent translation technology to improve the participation of literary translation work in literature.

Third, organize AI and literature lectures and training courses to promote the correct method of using AI auxiliary writing.

4. Promote the publication of Xinhua Literature Publishing to the AI ​​era, and improve the efficiency of editing, proofreading and typesetting.

5. Make good use of AI to promote literary learning and literary experience, such as voice guidance and reading.

6. Taking Xinhua Literature's works as resources, build large language models and databases, and strengthen AI's ability to search, compile, and abstract writing in Xinhua literary works and authors.

Seven, popularize artificial intelligence knowledge and original copyright knowledge to Xinhua writers and authors.

Eight. Based on Xinhua Literature as the basic resource, study the artificial intelligence promotion and guidance function of creating literary works.

Our general direction is to combine the strength and resources of Singapore Chinese literature groups, promote the correct use of AI auxiliary Xinhua literature, popularize AI knowledge in the literary world, strengthen Xinhua writers' understanding of AI auxiliary writing and editing functions, and avoid avoidingLiterature and writing enter the misunderstanding of AI.

The first step to take the next thing is to conduct an online questionnaire survey on Chinese writing and AI usage.It is based on the initial understanding of the current status of AI in the field of Chinese literature and writing in Singapore, the attitude of writers and literati on AI technology, and how AI affect their creative process and quality of works.Through this survey, we hope to evaluate the potential value and challenges of AI in literary creation, and explore how to effectively use AI technology to support literary creation while avoiding possible negative impacts.

Establishing Xinhua Literature Interactive Resource Library

We are not to promote AI writing to replace writers' writing, nor is it to allow robots to replace writers poets. On the other hand, it is to prevent it from replacing us.We want to train it to help us, assist us, and assist us in integrating resources, promoting works, and then promoting writing and popularizing literary education.On the other hand, we hope that after AI "learning" Xinhua Literature and accepting resources, we will become an interactive resource library for ordinary people to contact and understand Xinhua Literature. I also hope that this resource library can connect to Singapore's Chinese literature education and extracurricular reading activities.Part of the learning resources.

In the long run, we hope that all literary, cultural and artistic groups in Singapore can establish shared resources, support each other, and benefit.The cooperation between the Singapore Writers Association and artificial intelligence professional partners only entered the first gate of the AI ​​high -speed railway platform.

The author is the president of the Singapore Writers Association