Since there is no fundamental conflict, what is the competition or struggle in this battle?In my opinion, the competition between China and the United States does have attributes close to zero sum, and there are many non -zero -ends. It can even become a positive and game of mutual benefit and benefit the world.

Talking to the United States in the Chinese world will inevitably mention its policy to China.In the past two centuries, the United States has profoundly or even critically affected China's livelihood.Of course, the various interference and "fingers and feet" in the United States are also constantly, and they are right and wrong.In recent years, Sino -US relations have been tense, and contradictions are even more eye -catching.

There are no fundamental conflicts between China and the United States: the United States has no territory in China, no colonial attempts, and no historical grievances.The economic and cultural exchanges between China and the United States are extremely complementary and mutually beneficial: the United States is the biggest and most important source for China to acquire science and technology, capital and foreign exchange income; the United States has also obtained countless talents, huge profits and massive low -priced products from China.The Chinese and Chinese culture have already spread in the United States, and even the Lunar New Year is gradually becoming a legal holiday.The modernization, westernization, or American culture led by the United States can be seen everywhere in China: car and fast food culture, as well as various imitation American buildings and film and television works, and even the unstable traditional families in the United States have become ChinaNew features.China's divorce rate is the lowest in the world 30 years ago and surpassing the United States, which has become one of the highest in the world.

The United States has implemented the China Exclusion Act 1882-1943, which strictly restricts the settlement of new Chinese immigrants to the United States.This racist policy was basically driven by Ireland and Italian immigrants that were also discriminated against at the time, becoming an ugly page in American history; the US government later officially apologized for this.However, at that time, the United States -especially schools -but it was always open to the Chinese; after studying abroad, countless Chinese students had to settle in the United States and had to go back to the motherland, which was objectively fulfilled in China.After the bill was abolished in 1943, it was not until 1954 that it only began to grant the permanent settlement right after graduation and employment of Chinese students, which is the so -called green card.Therefore, from 1949 to 1954, despite the comprehensive hostile of the Korean War, as many as 1,200 international students who were difficult to settle in the United States returned to China and contributed greatly to China's scientific and technological economy. In the next 25 years, until the 1980s, the United States"Turtle" is almost extinct.

After the 1970s, the United States launched contact with China (English), using China, which was "anti -emperor (that is, the Soviet Union)" at that time to get rid of the Vietnamese war and win the Cold War.Subsequently, the United States continued this policy, hoping that while making money and profitable, it could affect China's internal affairs and diplomacy through economic, trade and exchanges.

Bush "Strategic Competition" was disrupted by September 1st

But soon, Washington felt that this calculation seemed to be too happy.In the spring of 2001, President Bush claimed that he would "strategic competition" with China and "defend Taiwan" forces.But the following Jiuyi attack disrupted this adjustment: the United States seemed to suffer from severe allergies and anti -terrorism at the expense.Nevertheless, the Bush administration started to re -club in the later period, regardless of the anti -nuclear diffusion of the "national policy", and was close to China's geopolitical opponent India.Within the restraint of the economic recession in 2008, the Obama administration continued and expanded its Hedging policy to China, and tried to reorganize the international trade system to the Asia -Pacific region.The Trump administration has further, aside from the WTO, directly launching tariff wars, and on a series of issues such as crown disease epidemic situation.The Biden government not only continued the predecessor's policy of China, but also expanded it, especially the organization to clearly exclude various circle of friends in China.Biden repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly repeatedly repeated the guarantee of Bush to defend Taiwan.The two parties in the United States are endless. It is almost a rare height in the past decade in the past ten years.

Therefore, Sino -US relations have obvious and continuously declined: from China's imports have fallen sharply, investment in China has decreased; although there are still more than 300,000 Chinese people studying in the United States, Americans who study in China only have only a few regions left in the remaining regions.Hundreds of people; Americans who work in China are almost completely evaporated; arms competitions and the light and darkness on each front are in full swing.Washington took the seven major industrial countries and NATO allies to declare a long -term and comprehensive strategic competition with a global and systematic threat to China.Beijing does not show weakness, and constantly calls on Chinese and friends at home and abroad to unite and start a long -term and comprehensive great struggle with those overseas forces that are "dead -hearted".

Since there is no fundamental conflict, what is the competition or struggle for this battle?

In this regard, all kinds of discussions are dizzying, and Huang Zhongda Lu and Waka are deafening.There are wearing chiselings such as "Xiu Xi Dade Trap", and believe that China and the United States are the destined to win the battle between the boss of each other and the second child.There are so -called "beating behind", and the fate theory explanation of the law of the law that is strong is to be the leading of the law of the law. Only the independent master can be safe and rich.

Some people believe that the dispute between China and the United States is a cultural or civilized dispute with racism, and it is the ending chapter of the 3000 -year -old dispute between China and the West.Some people believe that the competition between China and the United States is the two ideological disputes between capitalism and communism, which are similar to Europe.Others believe that competition in large powers is the normal state under international relations; the Sino -US game is particularly special because of its large volume, interdependence, and the key choice for the human political system and world order, which has become the top priority.

Sino -US competition is often asserted to be a zero -sum game: I lose you, you die.Both sides who advocate and oppose big competition use this judgment to support their own opinions: the claims believe that for the sake of survival and power, you have to lose me as soon as possible, and the opponents believe that for the sake of world peace and prosperity, ""Common" big interests must be conceded as much as possible to avoid killing each other in the world's two largest economies.

In my opinion, the competition between China and the United States does have attributes close to zero sum, and there are many non-zero-ends. It can even become a positive and game-benefit and benefit of the world (Positive-Sum Game).

Professor Wang Xisi, a professor at Peking University, refined: As long as the United States does not openly destroy China's internal political order, China will not deliberately weaken the international order of the United States.Dai Bingguo, Yang Jiechi and Wang Yi, the chief diplomats in China, have repeatedly announced the red line of the United States.Why is the political system within China and the international order of the United States and the international order of the United States?Can the two coexist?The answers to these questions actually contain the management and transformation of the Sino -US game, from close zero to positive secrets.The author will analyze one by one in subsequent articles. Interested readers may wish to turn the Chinese trilogy that I just came out of this year.

The author is a professor at the School of International Affairs of Georgia Institute of Technology in the United States