Indonesian voters will vote on February 14 to choose the fifth president.One week before the voting, the three groups of candidates were running for the moment to run for the final sprint.Among the more than 2005 million qualified voters, more than half of the voters under the age of 40 can be said to be the "king maker" of this election.

How to choose a young candidate president?How do candidates take their hearts?Lianhe Zaobao visited the streets of Jakarta to hear what young voters say.

Video reporter Chen Yaen (right) visited the streets of Jakarta to listen to young candidates' views on three groups of candidates.(Photo by Chen Yuanzhuang)

Although some interviewees said they were not interested in politics and did not deliberately pay attention to this election. Most of the respondents understood some of the three groups of candidates. Some voters even watched the presidential election debate to this asEvaluate the performance of candidates.

Anggun, a 29 -year -old civil servant, watched the fourth presidential election debate, and renamed Vice President's candidate to the debate and the current eldest son of Indonesia's President Zoko.She does not agree with Giblan's attitude towards competitors.

"I think Giblan cannot represent the younger generation, because Indonesians are a polite nation, and we young people should especially be polite to parents and elders."

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29-year-old Angul will watch each presidential election debate, and use this to evaluate the performance of candidates.(Video screenshot)

The streets of Jakarta are full of political party banner and candidate posters. The most eye -catching is all kinds of posters that do not take traditional styles.The most common is the second group of defense ministers Plabovo and Giblan's "cartoonization" campaign poster.Their campaign team cleverly used the image of "Gemoy" (Indonesian, referring to cute and fat) to promote the two candidates and captured the hearts of many voters.

Plabovo and Giblan cleverly use cartoon characters on the campaign poster to get close to young voters.(Photo by Chen Yaen)

Adele (19 years old) and DINDA (18 years old) are the first investment clan.When they talked about the No. 2 group, they were willing to pay for Plaboor's thick image.

"Plaboor is very cute, very diligent, and open -minded. His vice presidential candidate (Giblan) is also very young. In this way, we can move forward."

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The first investment family Adele (left) and Ding Dal (right) are students.They felt that the thick image of Plabowo's campaign during the campaign was very attractive to young people.(Video screenshot)

Plabovo -Giblan campaign team also worked hard in operating social media.Their WhatsApp Channel currently has nearly 250,000 trackers, far more than 90,000 candidates Gandchar -Ma Ford, which is five times that of the No. 1 group Anis -Mu Haimin tracer.

Political Observer Saidiman Ahmad pointed out that advertising expenses of banners, outdoor activities, and social media may promote high support.

"Plaboor has more resources than other candidates, maybe because Zoko seems to support him, so everyone's economic resources will naturally flow here."

Political Observer Sidiman said in an interview with Lianhe Zaobao that social media in this Indonesian election is one of the keys to attracting young votes.(Photo by Chen Yuanzhuang)

What other strategies can win a vote on the hands of young people?What are the demands of young voters?Watch the video to learn more.