Lost the collective identity and protection of the clan, accepted the universal nature of everyone before God (law / law).Learn to cooperate with strangers.This cultivates the instinctual trust of strangers, reduce the cost of social transaction, and form a contract spirit, the concept of rule of law, talent human rights, and democratic systems.

After three years of interrogation in the Italian court on November 20, it was sentenced to the infamous Calabrid "Glory Society" of the 207 defendant's sentence of 207 defendants, ranging from several months to 30 years.About 2150 in prison.The defendants in many prisons across the country listened to the judge's judgment through video links.The "boots head" at the southernmost tip of the Italian boot -shaped peninsula in Karabria is separated from Mexi, which looks like "football". The narrowest part is only 3 kilometers.

The Black Hand Party is mainly rampant in Sicily and Southern Italy. They basically use blood and geopolitics, which is similar to the traditional organization principles of most society in the world -clan and family -similar.However, in central and northern Italy, which is more developed, this traditional social structure is relatively weak, and the mainstream social form is closer to advanced countries such as Britain, France, and Germany, and individualism is particularly prominent.This is mainly based on personal autonomous associations, forming a social form of strong city -state countries such as Milan, Florence, Venice, Naples, etc. during the Renaissance, and it looks like two civilizations as southern Italy.

These two civilizations do have a significant difference in statistically sense.Taking voluntary blood donation as an example, data in 1995 showed that the highest record in northern Italy was 105 blood donations per 1,000 people a year (the blood weighed about 0.45 kg per bag, or 16 Anshi);People donate 28 bags; but Sicily and southern Italy are zero.The importance of this example is that blood donation is a pure public welfare behavior. The donated blood supply has nothing to do with strangers, and the other party does not know the identity of the donor.

The difference in behavior is derived from the psychological differences; this difference is partially derived from the marriage system arrangement.Harvard Human Evolutionary Biology, British Columbia University Professor Joseph Henrich pointed out that the higher the ratio of cousin's marriage (strong clan relationship), the lower the blood donation rate.Data show that if the cousin's marriage rate increases from 1%to 2%, the increase in this percentage point is sufficient to reduce the blood donation per 1,000 people up to eight bags.

The Chinese saying that "do not leave the father and son soldiers" and "fat water does not flow outsiders fields", depicting this kind of blood -based moral outlook.This kind of natural distrust of strangers, just like Fei Xiaotong, the founder of Chinese modern sociology, in 1947, in the local country in China, there are other "differential patterns" and "acquaintance society" to describe the traditional Chinese society.feature.As another evidence, Japan's social culture is divided into "phonetic" and "building".According to Wikipedia, this is a collectivist product born after World War II. In order not to violate social wishes, people only disclose the true heart (pronunciation) to a few "insiders", and in public, they published words that conform to social expectations in public.

Henry's most strange person in the world in 2020: How the West has become psychologically strange and particularly prosperous (The Weirdest People In the World), the English "weird" is actually five characteristicsLetter: Western (Western) EDUCATEDWatching the history of mankind, this strange cultural psychology is unique, and only in some European society ruled or dominated by the Christian Church, as well as countries established by these social immigrants, such as the United States, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, or accepting "Strange "cultural psychology, a universal society, such as Japan and South Korea, which were ruled or influenced by the United States after World War II.

To introduce Henry's point of view in such a short space, it is bound to be fair.Roughly speaking, he believes that the Christian church restricts the marriage and forced monogamy, and successfully disintegrate the influence of the traditional clan after a few centuries.Change to individuals and mostly dedicate to the church.Lost the collective identity and protection of the clan, and accepted the universal nature of everyone's equality before the law of God / law.This cultivates the instinctual trust of strangers, reduces the cost of social transaction, and forms a contract spirit, the concept of rule of law, talent human rights, and democratic systems (especially that only the creator is the master, so the government cannot replace God and must comply with the "governed personAgree with "this principle).The huge productive forces and wealth created by the scientific revolution, industrial revolution, joint -stock company, capitalism, etc. in human history, were born in a small area of ​​Western Europe.

It is also Italy. Compared with the time of being dominated by the church in the north and the central region, the south and Sicily have been occupied by Muslims in North Africa for hundreds of years.Therefore, it is stronger than the northern part of the central part, or it also explains why the Mandarin Party prevails in this area.

It must be emphasized that the difference between the "strange" cultural psychology of the West and all traditional society in ancient and modern Chinese and foreign, especially the trust of strangers, cannot be viewed calmly, but different degrees.Like Japan, which is still not a Christian civilization, the "phonetic" and "Qianqian" reflect the existence of the "differential pattern" of the traditional society.The universal value of Christian civilization, especially strangers, can cooperate naturally.

Now the identity of the identity in American universities, cut the crowd as oppression and oppressed, has spread to mainstream society and even many countries.Its essence is exactly the "strange" cultural psychology of Western "strange" in the West, which is subverted. It emphasizes the collective consciousness of the tribal collective consciousness that implies "non -my own".This will inevitably weaken the trust between strangers, disintegrate social cooperation and create invention.From this perspective to understand the chaos of the United States and be wary of the destructiveness and infection of political identity, it may be more insightful.