Source: Procuratorate Daily

A good fate is often yearning for it.Young people who run in all corners of the city are worked or small in the social circle, and not everyone can meet beautiful love unexpectedly.In order to avoid the embarrassment of "every festival is urged", many "wedding people" chose to enter the wedding agency for help, and the wedding agency constituted a fast track for them to find marriage and getting off.However, in the process of development of the wedding agency market, various "breaking news" and complaints have never stopped.Recently, some consumers reported to reporters that wedding agencies carried out "brainwashing publicity", chaotic charges, and refund rights to protect their rights ... all kinds of business chaos hit consumers.

In order to explore the truth, the reporter visited a number of wedding agencies on the spot to experience the "different scenery" on this fast lane.


"Fancy Propaganda" is only for offline guests

Consumer Xiao Wei (a pseudonym) who bought the "19998 Wedding Set Meal" introduced to reporters the experience of her first contact with the wedding agency: "I saw an advertisement when I brushed the circle of friends, and there was a white T -shirt on the picture.The handsome man, a man like a man, do you want him to be your boyfriend?The dialog box jumps to a format applet, prompting Xiaowei to fill in information such as personal education, origin, work unit nature, mobile phone number and other information.

A few days later, Xiao Wei received a call from "Madam" who claimed to be a wedding agency "Red Mother": "Hello lady, a man matches you very well, he is more than one meter tall, a master of returnees from Fujin School, central enterprise engineer,There are two sets of houses in the Beijing Third Ring Road, the Beijing brand BMW, do you want to know it? "Xiao Wei was excited after hearing it, expressing his hope that" Red Mother "would help himself."Red Mother" requires that Xiao Wei must go to the store in the wedding agency to talk about it, and the "Ohwin" evaluates Xiao Wei's appearance, family, work and other situations before arranging to meet.

Xiaowei told reporters that it is reasonable to know about marriage, and it is reasonable to understand face to face.She went to the store alone, but was called in a closed hut by "Red Mother", and was then "anxious brainwashing".For example, "Red Mother" mentioned that "you are almost 30" "you have passed the best childbirth age", and "work, education, economic foundation, equal appearances are average" "must have a sober understanding of yourself."When Xiao Wei asked the "excellent man", "Red Mother" said that as long as Xiao Wei purchased a wedding service package, they could arrange them to meet.Subsequently, Xiao Wei signed a 19,998 yuan wedding package under the offensive of multiple "matchmaker", "senior backbone" and business managers.However, in the follow -up service, when Xiao Wei asked when he could meet the "excellent men", the "Red Mother" said that the man was "famous".

In order to further verify the situation, the reporter tried to fill in the mobile phone number on a wedding agency's webpage. Soon after, "Wells" contacted the reporter, saying that a high -quality male customer matched the conditions of the the reporter asked if he could make sure to see the man, "Red Mother" did not respond directly, but asked the reporter to go to the store.Later, the reporter walked into the wedding agency as a blind date. As Xiaowei said, the male customer who said on the phone did not mention the "eccile brainwashing" in turn, and then asked forThe reporter bought a package.It is confusing that several "matchmaker" did not come up with the price list, but always said that "the price varies from person to person". Under the reporter repeatedly, the "matchmaker" told reporters verbally, "the package priceFrom 10,000 yuan to 200,000 yuan. "

In this regard, Lei Mingguang, executive director and deputy secretary -general of the Chinese Law Society Marriage Law Research Association, said: "Wedding agencies can introduce the way of" Gao Fushuai "Bai Fumei" during the propaganda, misleading consumers to buyHigh amounts of meals can constitute false publicity.

Facing the high package price of wedding agents, Li Shuangqing, a lawyer of Dacheng Law Firm, was not surprised.He told reporters that he had handled a "sky -high wedding service service" case, and the case involved in the marriage agency "high -end customers" paid millions of yuan in wedding service fees.On this issue, Lei Mingguang said: "As the main body of the market operation, the wedding agency should be supervised by the market supervision and management department.It is clearly stipulated that consumers enjoy the right to know the real situation of the goods they purchased or used or accepting./P>


"Numerous people" but repeatedly suffered "incorrect boards"

Xiaohua (pseudonym) spent 30,000 yuan to buy a wedding package, and it was hard after receiving the service.She told reporters: "'Red Mother' arranged more than 30 blind dates to me within a year, but none of them were successful. Even there were very few boys who asked me for dinner for the second time. Did I encounter a wedding trust?"

The reporter interviewed a number of consumers who had purchased the wedding set meal and found that many people have the confusion like Xiaohua, but they have suffered from each blind date. It is difficultAfter the service period, it will be left.Xiaohua talked to reporters: "My looks and conditions are okay, and the failure rate of blind dates arranged by the wedding agency is too high! Also, some boys introduced to me by 'Red Mother' obviously do not meet my initial requirements.Map!

"Countless people" have repeatedly encountered "incorrect boards". Is the information authenticity of the blind date introduced by the wedding agency?In this regard, several wedding agencies interviewed by the reporter stated that "membership information is absolutely real, and signing members need to provide ID cards, degree certificates, real estate certificates, bank flow certificates and other materials for verification.The authority is conducted to check to ensure that the identity of the blind date is true. "A wedding agency company specifically stated that if the membership of the member was discovered after the membership was associated, the company would ask for compensation for the parties to be faked and handed the compensation directly to the deceived members.

For this statement of the wedding agency, Lei Mingguang said that the wedding agency said that they could obviously lie with the public security organs. How could the public security organs protect the personal privacy of citizens?Verify the real information of the blind date, pay more attention and observe.

Li Shuangqing also pointed out that if the providing false information provides consumers caused property losses and mental damage, consumers have the right to file infringement lawsuits and require compensation for economic losses and spiritual comfort.In addition, if there is a fault in the wedding agency that causes the consumer to suffer losses, consumers can refund the service fee and compensate the losses to the wedding agency based on the contract.However, due to the limited means of the materials reviewed by the wedding agency, if the obligation of prudent review is still not avoided, the loss of compensation for the wedding agency is limited.Consumers can easily believe in others just by listening to the words of the wedding agency.


Once the service starts, "cannot be suspended or terminated"

Xiao Wei revealed to reporters that she signed a contract with the wedding agency and agreed to introduce her 20 blind dates to her within 6 months.However, after a period of time, Xiao Wei's face was "crazy and acne". Considering that she might affect the image of a blind date, she would communicate with the wedding agency to suspend the service and continue the blind date after the face is restored.However, the wedding agency directly rejected her request and replied that "once the service starts, it cannot be suspended."

Xiao Wei's experience is not a case, and many wedding agencies have similar regulations.When the reporter asked if the service was found and married through relatives and friends during the service period, could it be canceled?The wedding agency replied, "You cannot terminate or refund."In addition, many consumers found that the blind date did not meet their requirements after the request, and they were rejected. "After seeing a few blind dates and felt that it was inappropriate, "Red Mother" advised me to lower the standard, and the condition of the blind date introduced to me was getting worse and worse.I want to refund the fee, they tell me that there is no refund or termination of the contract "...

Paying such a high service fee, but consumers cannot ask for suspension or lifting the service contract after signing. Is such a agreement legal?

Li Shuangqing introduced to reporters the "Sky Price Wedding Service" case mentioned earlier -the plaintiff Mr. Zhang (pseudonym) signed a love customized service agreement with the defendant Cultural Development Co., Ltd.The relevant information or information of the marriage candidate provides a total of 1 million yuan in service costs. After the first payment of 300,000 yuan, the company started the service; the second payment of 200,000 yuan within 20 days; the third payment of 500,000 yuan for the third time the candidate was introduced.In addition, the agreement also agreed that during the entrusting service, Mr. Zhang could propose a suspension service in writing.After the contract takes effect, when Mr. Zhang has not paid, the defendant has launched the service. Mr. Zhang has clearly stated that the service should not be initiated through emails and telephones.fee.Mr. Zhang then sued the company to the court and demanded the termination of the contract. The court supported Mr. Zhang's lawsuit after hearing.

In this regard, Li Shuangqing analyzed: "The wedding agency contract is a service contract involved in personal attributes, and it is not suitable for compulsory performance. As long as consumers are unwilling to continue to perform, in principle, consumers are allowed to terminate the contract at any time."

Cao Qiaoyu, a member of the Court of the Xicheng District Court in Beijing, told reporters: "Any contract has legal rights. Even if there is no agreement to terminate the situation in the wedding service contract, it cannot be restricted by the agreement between the two parties.Once the contract is signed, it cannot be lifted. If it is not established.

Cao Qiaoyu also told reporters that the wedding service contract is not suitable for the agreed service period, and it is difficult for the wedding service service to quantify with a fixed period.The subject is obviously unfair.Therefore, the wedding agency should provide services to consumers within a reasonable period, and cannot force consumers to accept multiple services within a short period of time.

The reporter learned in the interview that the wedding agency generally provided by the format contract. Many consumers did not read the terms of the contract carefully when signing the contract.It is difficult to claim rights when there is a problem in the performance of the contract.In this regard, Cao Qiaoyu reminded consumers that consumers have the right to negotiate on the terms of the wedding contract, which involves the obviously unfavorable format clauses and exemption clauses.Or supplement the reasonable terms, the two parties are signed and confirmed by modifying some of the signatures.

At the end of the interview, Lei Mingguang said that the service levels provided by the wedding agency market are uneven, and consumers must be careful when choosing a wedding agency.In the long run, it encourages civil affairs departments and public welfare organizations to establish a public welfare service agency. This kind of wedding agency that does not take for profit may be more in line with the original intention of finding a partner to find a partner.