In the past two years, the influence of the United States in the Middle East has experienced huge landslides.In the summer of 2021, the United States was withdrawn from Afghanistan in chaos, and the Taliban resumed power. People began to question the determination of the United States to maintain influence in the region.By this year, China has successfully mediation between Saudi Arabia and Iran, and the restoration of diplomatic relations between the two countries has further faded the role of the United States in the Middle East.In addition, Syria, under Assad's return to the Arab League this year, has also become a manifestation of the United States' recession in the region.Recently, the expansion of the BRICS countries, which is different from the Seventh Kingdom Group (G7), including the Middle East countries such as the UAE, and strengthened the possibility of losing the right to speak in the United States.There are all signs that the United States' game in the Middle East has faced the risk of the situation.

However, the latest conflict between Israel and Hamas may provide an opportunity for the United States to restore the influence in the Middle East.First of all, the United States prevent crisis from spreading in the Middle East by showing military forces.After the crisis, the United States quickly deployed two aircraft carriers in the East Mediterranean, including the latest Ford.This undoubtedly sends a clear signal to potential opponents, especially for the possible interference between the Lebanon Allah and Iran.This demonstration of military power helps ensure the deterrence of the United States.

Secondly, the relationship between the United States and Israel is further consolidated.Earlier, US President Biden had expressed concerns about Israeli Prime Minister Neyahu's amendment to the Constitution, causing displeased relations between the two countries.However, this difference faded out of the field of vision.If no accidents, the United States will largely provide more additional help to a large extent.This assistance will continue to strengthen the intimate relationship between the United States.At the same time, the United States' use of a vote veto in the UN Security Council also means that the United States has helped Israel bear the pressure of some international public opinion.

Third, the Harbin conflict helps the United States to fight for the mild power in the Arab world, thereby promoting regional reconciliation.It is worth noting that in this incident, the Arab countries such as the UAE and Barin condemned the first attack launched by Hamas, and even the Palestinian leader Abbas also said that Hamas's actions could not represent the Palestinian people.The relatively gentle power in the Arab world is a favorable factor in achieving long -term peace. The United States and a wider international community may use therening a promotion of Palestine's peace talks.

In the end, the United States also took some action to try to win the favor of Palestine and the Arab world.For example, after the residents of Palestine in northern Gaza's Palestinian were required to withdraw to the south within 24 hours, the United States requested Israel to postpone the ground attack on the Gaza Strip for humanitarian reasons.In addition, the United States also promised to provide $ 100 million in assistance to Gasha's Palestinians.These measures are intended to show the United States' concerns about protecting civilians in order to obtain more recognition and understanding of the Middle East countries.

Generally speaking, the United States has a high degree of intervention in Harbin, especially the US President Bynden's visit to Israeli whirlwinds to the international community and the Middle East.Influence.In view of the sharp decline of the previous influence, the United States seems to have the opportunity to revive the image in the Middle East, especially to reverse a psychological cognition, that is, the determination and will of the United States to actively participate in Middle East affairs are declining.In the process, the United States also had to adjust its strategic framework in the Middle East to determine priority matters and issues that do not need to participate too much.

It is necessary to add here that although the influence of the United States in the Middle East has a rebound momentum, the flexibility on the Pakistani issue is still limited.The general understanding of the international community is that the "two -country plan" of Palestine and Israel is an inevitable way to achieve regional peace. Therefore, the efforts of the United States or other countries outside the region can almost only focus on this theme.In this issue, although the United States has also expressed the expectations of the "Palestinian State" clearing the boundaries, but the results have been very small. Therefore, this conflict is difficult to break through this conflict.

The author is a teaching assistant in the Chinese University of Hong Kong