Emperor Hanwu must not adopt Confucianism because of his conclusion and sincerely respect.Dong Zhongshu made him realize that the academic knowledge transmitted by Kongmen could be used to treat it for the Han Dynasty. He balanced the poisonous legacy derived from criminal names and spells since the establishment of the country, which helps the country to continue for a long time and make Confucianism use it as the king.Han Confucianism can also seize this opportunity and borrow the government to make a unified way, so that Confucianism is unique, and he is a manifestation.

Shi Zai "Emperor Hanwu's ascendant, and the scholars of Xianliang Literature were countless, and Zhong Shu Yi Xianliang's countermeasures".This means that Liu Che was the emperor in the early 140 BC, and he showed that the ministers recommended that "the virtuous man was talking about the great men", and Dong Zhongshu was one of the hundreds of the recommended people at the time.He suggested to Emperor Wu of the Emperor, "The artists of Confucius, who are not in the family of Liuyi, are all the best, do not make it go on." Later generations used this as the origin of "stopping hundreds and respect for Confucianism."

However, when the Han Dynasty Book Yuanji said that Liu Ye was still a prince, because he saw that Emperor Xuan "multi -literary officials used, under the criminal rope", he dared to say that "His Majesty is too deep torture, and Confucianism should be used."Recruiting his father's severe training.The emperor of the Han Dynasty, the emperor of the Han Dynasty, "(Ran Ran), and said," The Han family has its own system."The prince" "from this can be seen that Han Ting still wary of Confucian survival, and he still relied on officials who were in the name of prisoner to govern the country.Xuan Emperor said straightforwardly: "When the common Confucianism is not suitable, it is ancient and not the present.

So, even if the Emperor Xuandi was still "unique to Confucianism", not to mention the Emperor Wu.However, the history books do have the "pushing Confucius, suppressing hundreds of family" from the Han Dynasty, which originated from Dong Zhongshu's "countermeasures" of the year;Zhong Shufa ".Therefore, how should we understand these differences in historical books?In fact, it is even more important. I am afraid that it is still to be proven from the historical record. How Dong Zhongshu has made Emperor Hanwu see that the teaching of Kongmen has the clever place that is better than other "hundreds" knowledge.

In fact, Emperor Hanwu was moved by Dong Zhongshu after three times after three times.To know how the latter impresses the former, maybe he can extract what he wants to get from the opinions of the virtuous recipes who wants to collect from what he wants to get.Hanshu Dong Zhongshu has a specific description of this.

Improper employment will make the court's duration.

Emperor Wu's problem is simple and clear, and how can it be "romantic and ordered, punishment is light and raped, the people harmony, political affairs Xuan Zhao".The new king who has just been ascended to the throne, with the ideal of such a politicians: Healthy folk customs and folk customs can be promoted in the society, and the state's laws can make the people know how to comply.The thoughts of the motion stopped or corrected, the people can live peacefully and peacefully, and the government can implement governance smoothly.But how can such a beautiful ideal be achieved?Emperor Wudi took this question to talk to those virtuous recipes to see which one's doctrine can best achieve his goal.

Dong Zhongshu obviously can closely follow the core care and argument of Emperor Wu.He said: "The Taoist is suitable for the path of governance, and the righteousness, righteousness and music are all.Do not want to survive and be in danger.Attract to Emperor Wudi's note.Dong Zhongshu pointed out that those dynasties that can hold the regime for a long time understand that the key to creating a long -term security situation is to grasp the "Tao".The tool of practice "Tao" is to promote "ritual and music".If you do n’t know how to implement education, it will deviate from the “Tao”, which will lead to the country.In addition, improper employment will make the North Korean government decline.

After standing the base point, Dong Zhongshu played more targeted play.He said: "If you abolish moral education and serve as a penalty, the punishment does not convert, then evil spirits are born;The law and the punishment to the people and officials of the rope and the officials, thinking that it is impractical to bring social stability by being able to rely on deterrence.Because the punishment is improperly implemented, it will be excited.Once evil spirits have accumulated in society, the people will resent the government or the country.In this way, the dysfunction of yin and yang will definitely bring disaster.

Dong Zhongshu also provided a metaphysical explanation for such a dilemma. He said: "The big ones of heaven are in the yin and yang.Summer, and it takes fertility to raise strengths; Yin often lives in the winter, and it is not used in the emptiness.When the next time it is, the yang will not be the help of yin, nor can it be the name of the age.Strong growth.However, growth must also have decaying harm to control to prevent excessiveness. This requires the gesture of Yin Li, who mainly kills.It can be seen that the meaning of Dong Zhongshu's desire is: The yang (that is, enlightenment) of the virtue of the virtue is the program. The yin (ie, the punishment) can only be "time to the sun", which cannot be inverted.A government must use the people to do their job as the right, rather than restrained the people by the law of severe punishment.

Dong Zhongshu followed this single knife and went straight into this single knife: "The king inherits heavenly to engage in the mind, so he is in Germany without serving.Therefore, first Wang Mo is also the official.Because since the beginning of the Han Dynasty, the masters of the main administration have been the school of Huang Lao, and the law of criminal name is used as the technique of controlling the people. He believes that the people and officials are rope to the law and the punishment is broken, which can stabilize the society to stabilize the government.

Dong Sheng warned Wu Emperor with a lesson that quoted the rapid death of the Qin Dynasty, saying that the Emperor "established the fourteen years old as the emperor and killed the country".Donation of gifts "; only understands the method of" teacher application, the saying of Han Fei, hate the way of emperor, and greedy wolves ", and" non -Wende is also learned in the world. "In other words, the Qin Dynasty did not know that the use of Renfa can only be used as the assistance of governing the country.Because "the law is raped and the next is scammed", there are policies and countermeasures.If you just re -apply the legal system, it is really like "boiling with soup and saving the fire", not only in vain but also "more and more deadly."

Dong Zhongshu pointed out nakedly that the Han Dynasty was actually based on the collapse of the "Rotten Wooden Tunger Wall" left by the Qin Dynasty.This explains why, "since the world, it has always been good to rule and cannot be treated."Because it did not take the old Qin only under the criminal rope, and did not think about the treatment of the people of the people of moral education to cure the cure, "it is not changed to change but not changed."

The public seeks to be able to move the customs and the customs

Dong Sheng revealed the purpose, saying "Anyone who is inconsistent with all people is not established."He pointed out that the pursuit of the people is like the flow of water and the nature of the nature. It cannot be stopped by punishment.Only through educational can we move the customs and customs, so that people know how to know how to know how to do it, because moral education makes "the people are shameful and shameful."Therefore, the ancient kings of ancient times knew that they would "use enlightenment as a business".The people are ritual, so their punishments are very light and they are banned.Isn't this what the Emperor Hanwu worships?Dong Zhongshu also deliberately added a stroke: "Education has been clear and the custom has become", if "descendants follow the Zhizhi", the regime can make the regime "the five or six hundred years old and have not lost."Of course, this is even more active.

However, Dong ZhongshuWhat said, did Emperor Hanwu collect all the orders?Maybe "stop hundreds, and respect Confucianism alone" may not be true.

At least from Wu, Zhao to Xuanxuan, and the Yuan Si Dynasty's 22 prime ministers (under the table of Hanshu · Baiguan Gongqing), Mr. Xu Yiyun pointed out that there are only three (Wei Xian, Wei Xuancheng, Kuang Heng) "The scholar of scriptures was born, and the background of the remaining people is not "the children of the heroes", or "foreign relatives" or "掾 掾 掾 经", especially the last number of the last number is the largest, and it is as many as seven.It can be seen that the emperor of the Emperor Xuandang's statement of the Han Dynasty was not "purely moral education", but it was true.

However, Dong Zhongshu pointed out that the punishment alone is not enough to achieve a matter, but also rely on the education of the fundamental education of the good governance- "standing university to teach the country and set the order of the preface to the eup", that is, in the Beijing Division and the local area.Administrative units at all levels across the country have educated all schools, but they have been heard by Emperor Wu into their ears.

In the fifth year of Emperor Wu Emperor (136 BC), the court "set the five doctors", and then became a "doctoral official disciple"; to the three dynasties of the Zhaoxuan Yuan Dynasty, the number of disciples "doubled" again;At the end of the dynasty, he believed that Confucius was "three thousand people raised in one clothing". It can be seen that "today," there are few disciples in Zitai, so there are three thousand disciples. "The size of the country's highest school in Beijing, the number of nationals in the country, has been pushed according to the number of educated people accepted in the order of the nationwide.

The Confucian classics who want to do "moral education" can help Emperor Wu to achieve the "ceremony of educational skills", to take their own alternative textbooks for granted, and to cultivate the homework for disciples.The students of Taixue's preface are the talent reserves of national officials in the future. This move has a profound impact on the imperial China since the Western Han Dynasty.Because it makes the court officials and the main body of local gangsters, the scholars who have accepted the influence of poetry and rituals, instead of being brave and still martial arts, or the lack of educated local and inferior gentry.The educational education of the Confucian classics allows the characters of the social leadership to be raised by Sven, and know the discern of righteousness, knowing how to hold and self -love, and will not become a moral bottom line, but only in the people who are pushing for private and deceiving people.

"Moral Education" creates noble spirit for the upper levels of society

We may understand this that Dong Zhongshu's "German education" is intended to cultivate a belief or ideal that is almost transcending consciousness.It has a noble spiritual pursuit for the character of the ruling class and the upper levels of society.It is not unscrupulous to make blessings and corruption.If this is the quality that Dong's herders should have, then we can understand why he should emphasize the use of Wu Di to be proper, otherwise "the person who is in charge is not his person, and the person who is not his own way is that it is not his own way."

Emperor Hanwu must not adopt Confucianism because of his sincere respect because of his sincere respect.Dong Zhongshu is because he realized that the knowledge of Confucius can be used for the Han Dynasty to treat the priority. It balanced the poisonous legacy derived from the criminal name and spells since the establishment of the country, which helps the country to continue for a long time.Used.Han Confucianism can also seize this opportunity and borrow politics.This has made hundreds of contention since the Spring and Autumn Period, acting as one of the Confucianism, and it is a manifestation of a close scholarship with the political governance of the Western Han Dynasty by the Western Han Dynasty.

The author is the Dean of the Confucius Institute of Nanyang University of Science and Technology