U.S. President Biden and Chinese President Xi Jinping will meet during the Asia -Pacific Economic Cooperation Summit held in San Francisco in mid -November. Related preparations are underway.What is the significance of this meeting?What can we expect from it?What are the challenges facing US -China relations?

Byndon and Xi Jinping in November 2022 at the G20 (G20) Summit held in Bali, Indonesia in November 2022, it can be described as events in the past year.Three months before the meeting, Pelosi's provocative visit to Taiwan's former Speaker of the House of Representatives in the United States has exacerbated the tension of the Taiwan Strait and led to interruption of the US and middle -level exchanges.Biden and Xi Jinping realized the danger of deterioration between bilateral relations, decided to meet, and set up a "guardrail" to prevent the further deterioration of relations between the two countries.

This is an important meeting at a critical moment.Unfortunately, the "spy" balloon incident in early 2023 disrupted the relationship between the two countries, causing the Secretary of State Brosky to postpone the visit to China (this trip aims to implement the consensus reached by Bayidon and Xi Jinping in Bali).Balloon was shot down by the US Air Force.Subsequently, the United States said that the balloon did not collect information when flying over the United States, but this has caused damage to bilateral relations.

The bells must be tied with bells.In the middle of this year, the Biden government took the initiative to contact China. On the one hand, it was worried that the relationship between the two countries would worsen further; on the other hand, worried that the bad US -China relations may affect the re -election of Biden's campaign.Brinken finally went to Beijing in June.Since then, the Minister of Finance Yellen, Climate Change Special Envoy Cherry, and Commercial Minister Raymond Doro have also visited China one after another to try to reconstruct dialogue with China.

Ceremony, China also actively responded to seize the opportunity to restore bilateral exchanges.China's highest diplomat Wang Yi visited Washington from October 26th to 28th, aiming to eliminate the final obstacles and laid the foundation for Biden and Xi Jinping's meeting in San Francisco.The plan of the plan will be the greatest effort made by the two parties for the stable relationship.

Although both parties are looking forward to talks about mid -November, people should have a real attitude towards the results.This meeting is of great significance in many aspects, especially Bayeng and Xi Jinping will have the opportunity to reiterate their commitments to the relationship between the two countries.However, the two leaders have not encountered.

First of all, the two sides have different goals and priority matters.Although the words of the Bayeon government have changed from "decoupling" with China to "risks" with China, the goal of its Indo -Pacific strategy is still "victory over the competition" China.

In recent years, Fentny has become the main cause of the death of Americans.The U.S. government believes that China is the largest exporter of FENTANYL Precursor exported to Mexico, and Fenmini, produced in Mexico, was smuggled to the United States.Biden is expected to ask Xi Jinping to ask this issue.He will definitely touch human rights issues.For China, the main concern is economic stability, as well as the security of the Taiwan Strait and the South China Sea.It is expected that Xi Jinping will get Bayon's guarantee that the United States will not seek new Cold War with China or support Taiwan's independence.

Due to different domestic agenda, will Biden and Xi Jinping say each other?Or would you really listen to each other's opinions and take action to relieve their concerns?

The summit may be reduced to each other

Secondly, Biden and Xi Jinping are facing domestic pressure when they are trying to promote the development of the two countries.The talks may end up with the existing position on the difficult issues of the two parties, and the end of it will not formulate specific plans to resolve each other.

The Eagle School dominates the narrative of Washington's relations between the two countries.In their opinion, although the war between Ukraine and Gasha is still continuing, China is the biggest threat to the national interests of the United States.Due to the bombardment of politicians and the anti -Chinese remarks of politicians and media, Americans still have a negative view of China.A recent public opinion survey shows that China is the number one interviewed by the United States, and has reached an amazing 61%.

Eagle people in Washington do not support the Beiden government to contact Chinese leaders.The Chairman of the House of Representatives Mike Gallagher, chairman of the Special Committee of the House of Representatives, claims that his so -called "zombie contact" will only be counterproductive and make China more aggressive.

Governor of California Governor New Telham has just ended his results in China's rich results, and promoted cooperation in the fields of climate change, energy, trade, tourism and other fields.People with common sense will agree that such exchanges and cooperation will be beneficial to both parties.Conservatives are not. They even oppose the local exchanges at the local level and believe that Newer should pay attention to human rights, not climate change.

Although mainland China has long pursued a policy with Taiwan's "peaceful unity", Xi Jinping may also face pressure from the impatient generals in China.At the end of October, Zhang Youxia, vice chairman of the Central Military Commission of the Mainland Government, said at the Beijing Xiangshan Forum that the Chinese People's Liberation Army "never softened" to those who support Taiwan independence.He also claimed that the United States was the main factor behind the Russian and Ukraine War and the Pakistani conflict.

Finally, I look forward to the international community that the United States and China will play a leading role in responding to the role of global challenges, because these two major powers are unlikely to cooperate.

Like the Russian and Ukraine War, although the conflict between Israel and Hamas is miserable, it also provides potential opportunities for American -China cooperation.The United States can use its huge influence on Israel to promote the situation to ease the situation and transport humanitarian assistance to Gaza safely; China can use friendly relations with Palestine and Israel to call for a ceasefire immediately.In the final analysis, the United States and China should work together to help solve the fundamental problems in the Middle East and conscientiously implement the "two countries' plans."

Due to the consistently pro -Israel stance in the United States, China tries to maintain an impartial attitude while supporting the Palestinian career while supporting the Palestinian career.

Leaders of the two countries may reach some consensus in areas such as climate change.In the United States' Indo -Pacific Strategy and China's "Belt and Road" initiative, they are likely to continue to disagree.

There is no doubt that Biden and Xi Jinping are committed to improving US -China relations. This can be seen from them to congratulate the National Committee of the US -China Relations National Committee on October 24.

Unfortunately, although both countries want a stable relationship, they are facing huge differences that are difficult to shrink.In particular, there are differences in the nature of the relationship between the two governments.The United States pays attention to the competition level of the relationship between the two countries, emphasizing the responsible management of competition; China emphasizes the win -win situation of the relationship between the two countries through cooperation.

Talking is better than fighting, but just talking can not solve the problem.In the final analysis, does the leaders of the two countries take practical actions to promote the development of relations between the two countries, and strengthen cooperation on bilateral and international issues?Can the two sides rebuild trust and conduct benign competition, not zero -sum game?Let's wait and see.

The author is a professor of politics and international relations at the University

The English Electronics Magazine "ThinkChina" (ThinkChina "

Golden Shun Translation